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Political Spectrum Notes

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1 Political Spectrum Notes

2 What are political parties and why do we need them?
A political party is a group of people who join together and work to get candidates elected to political office. Members of a political party have some similar ideas about government and issues. They allow our voices to be heard on the issues we individually support. What are political parties and why do we need them?

3 Political Parties Partisanship – allegiance to a political party
Set goals and agendas based on ideas and issues of concern. Partisanship – allegiance to a political party Bipartisan – both parties working together Political Parties

4 Believes the National Government should be active in helping individuals and communities promote health, education, justice and equal opportunity. Liberals believe in large governments Democrats Liberal

5 Believes the role of the Government in society should be limited and that individuals should be responsible for their own well being. Conservatives believe in small government Republicans Conservative

6 How did Political Parties develop???
Back in the day…Washington warned against political parties but they naturally formed with the argument on whether or not to ratify the Constitution (Federalist v. Anti- Federalist) Then Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson formed the fist two political parties. Democratic Republicans (Thomas Jefferson) Believed in small government Federalist (Alexander Hamilton) Believed in large government How did Political Parties develop??? Becomes a tradition after that. Smaller parties can’t seem to gain enough support to change the system.

7 Two Party System Democrats
More Expansive view of the power of the Federal Government Support raising and spending $$$$ to address Social Ills on a national level. Favor Federal regulation to business practices Republican Support limiting federal powers and protecting power of State and Local Government Conservative approach to taxation and spending Oppose Government interference with free enterprise Two Party System

8 Economy Democrats Republicans Regulate No Gov. intervention
Increase Taxes for the wealthy, cut taxes for the middle class “Fair Share” “Pump Up” Taxes help people through programs No Gov. intervention Cut taxes across the board to stimulate the economy and help families “Trickle Down” Taxes hurt the economy Republicans Economy

9 Environment Democrats Republicans Conservation Conservation w/Business
Honor hunting and fishing with heritage with more conservation lands Reject choice of healthy economy vs healthy environment Against off-shore drilling Conservation w/Business Private Property ownership key to environmental agenda Cap and trade market- based air pollution reductions For off shore drilling Environment

10 Energy and Oil Democrats Republicans No Kyoto
Billions from oil and gas subsidies to alternative research and development Develop renewable energy and efficient vehicles No Kyoto No mandatory emission controls Tax incentives for energy production Support use of coal, oil, fracking, as well as alternative energy

11 Guns Democrats Republicans Gun Owners Rights
No frivolous gun lawsuits, no federal gun licensing More public land for hunting Gun Control Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole Strengthen gun control to reduce violence Guns

12 Abortion Democrats Republicans Pro Choice
Supports Stem Cell and other medical research Its your right to chose even if you can’t pay. Choice is fundamental and a constitutional right Pro Life Want to amend the Constitution and ban abortion. Promote adoption and abstinence Want to add Human Life Amendment to the Constitution

13 Civil Rights Democrats Republicans
no racial or religious profiling strengthen parts of Patriot Act & change others marriage at state level – no Fed gay marriage ban abolish “don’t ask, don’t tell” hate crime laws – include gays affirmative action ERA & equal employment Patriot Act used to track terrorist activity Want to amend the Constitution to ban same- sex marriage Believes homosexuality is incompatible with military service (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell) affirmative access without preferences support advantage of women in military

14 Welfare Democrats Republicans Help the less fortunate
Support universal health care coverage Obama-care People should be self- sufficient. Private Insurance and state plans Repeal Obama-care

15 Crime Democrats Republicans Crack down on drugs and gangs
Fight crime with prevention community police Tougher punishments, including death penalty DNA testing, post conviction reviews for death penalty cases Support death penalty Deter crime by enforcing existing laws More victim rights and harsher penalties for some crimes Death penalty an effective deterrent

16 Drugs Democrats Republicans
Bring to justice those bringing drugs to the US Drugs in prison: get clean to get out Dry up demand by more enforcement and treatment Fight drugs and economic hopelessness that fuels it Jail time and school testing deter use Need presidential leadership: cry out for drug free schools Aggressively pursue drug kingpin; include death penalty

17 Immigration Republicans Democrats Strongly Oppose illegal immigration
Favor comprehensive reform with path to citizenship for undocumented workers Prioritize deportation of criminals over immigrants not posing a threat, such as children pursuing an education Support Dream Act Strongly Oppose illegal immigration Oppose amnesty/path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already here Create humane procedures for illegal aliens to return home voluntarily and deportation for those who don’t Favor states’ efforts at passing harsh immigration laws

18 Education Democrats Republicans Tax deductible tuition
Student Loan Forgiveness Charter schools OK, vouchers not Public School Accountability- not vouchers Standardized tests to advance learning, not bureaucracy Increase access to higher education savings accounts Limit role of federal government in education Promote school choice and home schooling Achievement basis for access to college

19 Third Party Options

20 Why are third parties important?
Call attention to issues The Populist Party introduced ideas that influenced some economic policies of the New Deal, whereas the Anti-Masonic Party was the first party to use a convention to nominate its candidates, in the mid- nineteenth century. Influence political ideas (platform) of democrat or republican parties In 1992, neither Bill Clinton nor George H. W. Bush talked much about the budget deficit until independent candidate Ross Perot emphasized it in his campaign. “spoiler vote” – may draw enough voted away from major party influence and election Some pundits argued that Ralph Nader’s bid in the presidential election may have cost Al Gore the presidency by siphoning away votes in key states such as Florida They also keep major party candidates honest. Why are third parties important?

21 Most Important Third Parties
SOME IMPORTANT THIRD PARTIES Party Dates Success(es) Anti-Masonic Party 1828–1832 First party to hold a convention to nominate candidates Prohibition Party 1867–present Has nominated a candidate for president in every election since 1872 Progressive Party 1912 Elected a number of candidates to state legislatures, Congress, and even the U.S. Senate. Deflected enough votes from Republican William Howard Taft to hand the presidency to Democrat Woodrow Wilson in 1912. American Independent Party 1968–present Won electoral votes (for George Wallace) Libertarian Party 1971–present Some members have won local elections. Green Party 1984–present Most Important Third Parties

22 Libertarian
More right than conservatives and founding fathers Education- Parents provide education (this means private education or home schooling) Guns-Oppose laws restricting guns. You choose to carry or not Healthcare- Purchase own health care up to you if you have it or not Economy-Get rid of the income tax. Don’t raise taxes for budget. Free Market Environment-Not Governments Job to subsidize energy. Abortion- Government should be kept out of the matter. Up to the individual person, Crime- Oppose the Death Penalty Immigration- Free Immigration (as long as peaceful) Drugs- End War on Drugs, Government shouldn’t decide what drugs a person is allowed to consume Welfare- Get rid of welfare programs; believe in promoting charity instead Civil Rights- Government should neither deny nor abridge any individual's human right. Your choice. Private organizations can do what they want and you have the right to do what you want in return Restore wrongs done against U.S. Indians. Libertarian

23 Independent
Also right winged, not as right as libertarians Judeo Christian Background and the promotions of those ideas Education- People and States Rights Guns- Promote Second Amendment; Deny guns to criminals and the insane Healthcare- People have the right to choose whether or not you have healthcare Economy- “Free Enterprise”; Balance Budget; Eliminate the deficit; Withdraw internationally; Raise tariffs Environment- State and local responsibility; Dynamic balance of alternative energy and protection of the environment ; Protect Ocean and Fishing Rights Abortion- Against Abortion Crime- Protect citizens at all cost and keep criminals off the streets Immigration- Build a Fence; Not even children of immigrants become citizens Drugs- State Governments regulate drugs, attack drugs at every level Welfare-providing assistance to individuals is the job of families first, neighbors and friends second, communities and counties third, and churches and other private organizations fourth. If you were to take that further, the states could possibly assist counties in disaster relief, etc. Government shouldn’t be involved Civil Rights- Natural Rights , denies gay marriage rights (belief in traditional family), Independent

24 Green Party More left than Democrats
Education- Get rid of JROTC, Public education (life-long) Guns- Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. Healthcare- Health care is right not a privilege Economy- Aspire to less "stuff" but more happiness. Provide everyone a job Greens intend to provide a green job to anyone who wants one. We support using the tax system to bring more equality to our nation. Environment- Solar, wind, geo-thermal, marine, and other cleaner renewable energy sources. Abortion- Women’s Right to control their body Crime- Wants to fight human trafficking; provide education to prisoners; Reduce the prison population, invest in rehabilitation, end war on drugs Immigration-All illegals should be granted full citizenship, should be able to take care of their families in other countries; and people should be able to move between countries and live where they want freely Drugs- end war on drugs; legalize hemp; offer drug counseling and treatment Welfare- Fully support all health care programs (especially for single mothers) Civil Rights- Support Affirmative Actions very strong action to support women's right , reverse past wrong doings and rewrite the Constitution Green Party

25 Political Spectrum

26 Political Spectrum as a line

27 Where America falls on the line…


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