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2 General Info Follow general rules for five paragraph essay.
Paragraph 1: Introduction Thematic Statement is your thesis statement Paragraph 2: Body 1 w/ clear topic sentence Paragraph 3: Body 2 w/ clear topic sentence Paragraph 4: Body 3 w/ clear topic sentence Paragraph 5: Conclusion Closing by Return/Thesis Restatement

3 Theme is… a statement of truth about society or human nature/the human condition. broad enough so that it can apply to many situations outside of the text. supported and argued using the text as evidence.

4 Theme is not… just about the text.
too specific so that it is limited and therefore cannot be applied to various situations. too broad so that is vague and therefore cannot be applied to various situations. absolute. i.e., use words like “may” rather than “will.”

5 A Helpful “Formula” Motivation + Subject = Result
This “formula” is not a be all and end all to developing theme and thematic essays; it is meant to serve as a guide.

6 Using the “Formula” For the novel The Giver, for example, we may use the formula like this: Obedience Truth/Lies = Change Our thematic Statement may read something like this: “Through one’s obedience, a person may learn about the truths and lies in his or her society and want change.” or… “Once an obedient person learns about the truth and lies of their community, they may begin to change and/or want change.”

7 Using the Outline

8 Introduction Once you’ve developed your thematic statement, you can develop an essay outline: Thematic Statement: “Once an obedient person learns about the truth and lies of their community, they may begin to change and/or want change.”

9 Body 1 Topic Sentence: “One may behave obediently because they do not wish to be different from others.” Discuss how Jonas obediently tells his dreams to his parents even though he doesn’t really want to and explain how this supports your topic sentence. Discuss how Jonas takes the Pills that stop the Stirrings even though he likes the Stirrings and explain how this supports your topic sentence.

10 Body 2 Topic Sentence: “When one learns the truth about their society and the lies that have been told, their beliefs and values may be altered.” Discuss how Jonas receives certain memories and the feelings associated with them; explain how this supports your topic sentence. Discuss how Jonas learns the ugly truth about Release and explain how this supports your topic sentence.

11 Body 3 Topic Sentence: “When a person’s beliefs and values change, their actions change.” or… “When a person can no longer conform to a society’s norms, he or she may need to create change.” Discuss how Jonas plans to release the memories and explain how this supports your topic sentence. Discuss how and why Jonas suddenly leaves the Community with Gabe and explain how this supports your topic sentence.

12 Conclusion Restate thematic statement.
Leave strong, final thought with reader without introducing any new information.

13 Let’s Try It!! Motivation + Subject = Result
___________ + _________ = ____________ Statement:

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