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In-Class Essay topics and criteria

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1 In-Class Essay topics and criteria
Death of a Salesman In-Class Essay topics and criteria

2 1. You may choose any of the college board writing prompts that are listed on the pdf entitled “How to Read Like a Professor” on the class blog (Aug6-10). I highly suggest this option! 2. An examination of Willy as a representation of a tragic hero. In your analysis, you will need to address the following: character flaws/traits, errors in judgment, elements beyond control, which contribute to the character’s fall; a reversal of fortune; character’s recognition of his fall; connect to meaning of work as a whole.

3 3. An examination of the relationship of Willy and Linda
3. An examination of the relationship of Willy and Linda. In what ways is she supportive of Willy? In what ways does she encourage his deceptions and self-delusions? 4. An examination of Charlie and Bernard and their relationship as compared to that of Willy’s relationship with his sons (C/C format) 5. An examination of any other two peripheral characters in the text and their connection to the development of Willy and the meaning of the work as a whole.

4 6. In the Requiem, Biff states that Willy’s dreams were illusory: “He had all the wrong dreams. All wrong.” Happy states, “He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have-to come out number-one man.” Evaluate the validity of these two antithetical statements. 7. In the end, is Willy a coward, victim, martyr, or a combination? 8. As related to the “meaning of the work as a whole,” what might Miller be suggesting about the American Dream? 9. C/C thematic topic / characterization of Death of a Salesman with any other text you may have read.

5 Requirements 1. MLA heading: Your name, instructor’s name, class, date (day, month, year – no punctuation 2. Introduction: generalized hook to lead into your thesis(avoid a pronged thesis). Be clear and concise 3. Body paragraphs x 2: *Clear/controlling claim that supports thesis *3 effective supporting details per claim (be sure to lead into your support) *parenthetical doc. to follow support

6 4. analysis – EXPLAIN how your quoted material supports your claim and thesis *Use transition phrases within and between body paragraphs 5. Conclusion: general overview/recap of central aspect of essay, followed by a connection to either the reader, today’s world, or more importantly, to some aspect of the human condition/experience 5. If using one of the college board prompts, write the number of the prompt at the top of your essay. 6. All that you may use the day of the essay is the writing template!

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