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MNsure Updates January 2, 2019 The webinar will begin at 12:30.

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Presentation on theme: "MNsure Updates January 2, 2019 The webinar will begin at 12:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 MNsure Updates January 2, 2019 The webinar will begin at 12:30.
The webinar is not being recorded, but this PowerPoint will be available on Navigator One Stop. January 2, 2019

2 January 13 – Final OE Deadline
Open enrollment continues through Sunday, January 13. Consumers must enroll in a qualified health plan (QHP) by 11:59 p.m. on January 13 to have coverage effective February 1, 2019. MNsure Contact Center and ARC hours deadline week: Friday, January 11, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (ARC closes at 6 p.m.) Saturday, January 12, 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. (ARC closes at 6 p.m.) Sunday, January 13, 8 a.m. – midnight (ARC closes at 6 p.m.) After January 13, Minnesotans who want to purchase private insurance through MNsure will have to apply for a special enrollment period (SEP).

3 Social Media Help spread the word!
Toolkit on Assister Central: central/shared-resources/outreach/press-sm/index.jsp

4 Social Media – Translated Materials
We also have social media translated in Hmong, Spanish and Somali! (Available as Word documents so you can copy/paste images) resources/outreach/press-sm/index.jsp

5 Resolution Review Team Process
Resolution Review Team (RRT) An escalation team at MNsure designed to improve the experience of our consumers and assisters A consumer with a QHP eligibility dispute, such as coverage effectuation date, APTC amount, coverage termination date, will be given the option to have a RRT specialist review the case if it cannot be resolved by the representative RRT team will seek to resolve the dispute without the consumer having to file an appeal, or at least provide greater visibility into MNsure’s determination and legal reasons preventing the action Goal is to contact consumer (or assister) within 2 business days and to close each case within 5-7 business days (current average is less than 4 days) ARC and Broker Line agents have been trained on when a situation is eligible for this process and will route the case to the RRT Before open enrollment started, MNsure rolled out a new process to get quicker results for consumers and reduce the need for appeals. The process has been very successful. We’ve had more than 800 cases referred to this process. In 86% of the cases, the situation is resolved either with a more detailed explanation that the consumer can understand, or with an action. In just 5% of the cases, we aren’t able to resolve the situation and the consumer may go on to file an appeal. We expect we may see an increase in volume for the RRT as we enter the new year.

6 QHP Operational Changes for 2019
Retroactive QHP termination requests: Effective 1/2/19, consumers may request a retroactive termination of their QHP plan when there is clear evidence of a MNsure error, inaction, or delay in processing the original termination request. If there is no clear evidence to support a retro termination request, the ARC or Broker line can still assist with offering escalation to the Resolution Review Team if needed. Retroactive APTC due to MNsure delay in processing: Effective 1/2/2019, all positive impact APTC changes (increase of APTC/CSR) will be effective the first of the month following the reporting of the change. Negative impact APTC/CSR updates will still be effective based on when MNsure actually processes the change. There are a couple changes that the ARC/Broker Line will now be able to assist with without needing escalation to the RRT.

7 MinnesotaCare renewals
For public program renewals, the best first call should be made to the county or MinnesotaCare. For MinnesotaCare renewals: Before calling, this announcement has the current status of processing MinnesotaCare renewals. (As of December 27, they are processing renewals received the week of December 24.) Use the MinnesotaCare Information line at any time to get automated information on the status of a case. Call or and follow these steps: Press 1 for Enrolled in MinnesotaCare Then Press 2 for Other Enter two of the following personal identifiers: MinnesotaCare member’s SSN Date of birth Member number from the Minnesota Health Care Programs ID card

8 Thank you. Use #6 to unmute your line and ask a question
Thank you! Use #6 to unmute your line and ask a question Remember to state your name and organization Use *6 to remute your line when you are done.

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