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Savings and investing Personal Finance.

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Presentation on theme: "Savings and investing Personal Finance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Savings and investing Personal Finance

2 Diversification Spreading out the risk of a portfolio over many different types of investments Mutual Funds Collect small amounts money from many investors Buy small amounts of equities from many sources Index Fund Money Market

3 Liquidity Measures how available the money is for the saver
Period of time it takes for saver to get the money and spend it

4 Risk vs. Return Balances like a teeter-totter
Depends on the goals of the saver Time Income Expenses

5 Balancing risk/return and liquidity

6 Investment counseling activity
Work in groups to devise an investment strategy for 6 different households. Each have unique circumstances Each have $50,000 to use You have 30 minutes 5 minutes per scenario Remember the Baby Steps Consider the investment strategies we just learned Liquidity, Diversification, Risk v. Return

7 Dollar-Cost Averaging
Directing regular, small amounts of money toward the stock market 10 % gross income each paycheck Buy low Sell high

8 Baby Steps Dave Ramsey Small, smart steps will get you to security
Small, smart steps will get you to security A place where your money is working for you Not you working for your money Be Radical In decision making, not spending Be Intentional “On paper, on purpose”

9 Steps $1000 Emergency Fund $0 of Personal Debt
3-6 Months of Living Expenses 10-15% in a Retirement Account College Funding For children Scholarships Work 20/20* Down Payment/Life of the Loan (House) 50/50* Living/Giving

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