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To assess the reasons for American entry to and involvement in WWI

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1 To assess the reasons for American entry to and involvement in WWI
American Entry to WWI Unit Objective: To assess the reasons for American entry to and involvement in WWI

2 America did not enter the war until 1917—why not sooner?
1.) President Woodrow Wilson wanted America to be a model of peace and going to war was not considered “Progressive”, so Wilson tried to keep America out of the war; Wilson was re-elected in part due to the campaign slogan “He kept us out of war”

3 2.) Most Americans thought the war had nothing to do with America and America had not been included in any European alliances because the world powers still did not consider America their equal; Many Americans wanted to follow George Washington’s advice from his Farewell Address—stay out of foreign conflicts

4 3.) Many Americans were of German or Irish descent—What did that matter?

5 German-Americans: Irish-Americans:

6 Why did America finally decide to enter the war?
America was naturally drawn to the British side because we shared a common culture, background, and ethnicity The British had cut the Transcontinental cable that America relied on for information about what was going on in Europe making America dependent on Britain for that information

7 Statements made by leader of Germany

8 Invasion of neutral Belgium:
Stories of German war atrocities:

9 German unrestricted U-Boat warfare (This is an ID)

10 Sinking of the Lusitania:
British passenger ship that was traveling from New York City to London with some American passengers on board that was sunk by a German u-boat—another violation of war rules? The ship was illegally carrying war supplies purchased from America, though the Germans did not know that

11 A U-Boat and the Lusitania

12 Sussex Pledge: Germans promised to stop sinking merchant ships without warning—Germany was not yet ready for America to enter the war (would have strengthened the Allies) and the agreement allowed Wilson to keep America out of the war a little longer (helped get him re-elected in 1916)

13 Interception of the Zimmermann Note (message that was sent from Germany to Mexico; It was intercepted by the British and passed on to the U.S.--This is an ID):

14 What was the goal of the Zimmermann Note?

15 Germany resumed unrestricted U-Boat warfare (finally ready for America to enter war—had the Allies almost finished in Europe):

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