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March 18, 2014 Aim: What were the effects of WWI on the U.S.?

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Presentation on theme: "March 18, 2014 Aim: What were the effects of WWI on the U.S.?"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 18, 2014 Aim: What were the effects of WWI on the U.S.?
Do Now: How does this cartoon depict U.S. foreign policy after WWI?

2 Reparations and War Debts
European allies borrowed a great deal of money from the U.S. to buy war supplies.

3 Dawes Plan (1924) U.S. Loans $$ to Germany
Germany pays reparations to Allies Allies pay war debt to U.S.

4 The First Red Scare, Bolshevik (communist) revolution in Russia. Fear of communism, socialists, anarchists, immigrants, labor leaders.

5 First Great Migration – 1918-1930
African Americans migrate North to find industrial work and freedom. • Why did many African Americans leave the South and move North? • What was it like in the North for African Americans? • Why did racial tensions rise right after WWI?

6 Chicago Race Riots

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