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Chapter 34 Day 2 Age of Anxiety.

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1 Chapter 34 Day 2 Age of Anxiety

2 War Communism, (?) Rapid collectivization Confiscations Massively unpopular, Lenin backtracks in 1921 New Economic Policy (NEP) partial privatization of the economy- WHY? The Bolshevik Revolution (2nd Russ Rev) October/November 1917 (Peace, Land and Bread) Lenin & Soviets take over Disband Constituent Assembly “All Power to the Soviets!”

3 New Economic Policy (NEP)
Promotion of Agriculture Promotion of Industry “Kulaks” and speculation video “one step backward, two steps forward”

4 Lenin’s Death Lenin’s Stroke (1922) and death (1924) Body on display
Triumvirate: Stalin Bukharin Trotsky

5 Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) Yosef Vissarionovich Dzugashvili Georgian
Nom de guerre: “man of Steel,” Georgian Mother’s influence leads to Orthodox seminary education Leads Soviet Union by 1928

6 Stalin and Industrialization
the “Great Leap Forward” Socialism in One Country Massive collectivization of agriculture

7 The Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33
a Terror-Famine? Ukrainians Don Region De-kulakization video The Law of Socialist Property “when you cut down a forest, splinters will fly”

8 Massive scope: 8 million Soviet citizens in labor camps by 1939
The Purges mechanics of a purge “confession” the show-trial punishment Massive scope: 8 million Soviet citizens in labor camps by 1939 euphemisms: “wreckers, saboteurs”

9 Life in the Gulag internal exile the possibility of escape
forced labor living conditions trial and re-trial Video video

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