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US Entry into WWI Timeline

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1 US Entry into WWI Timeline
Create an illustrated timeline that shows the events that lead the United States to join WWI. You will use pages in your textbook. (Old Book) Your timeline should include the following events, with a small description and picture for each: Beginning of World War I Stalemate begins (1914) Sussex Pledge – pledge by the German Government in 1916 that its submarines would warn ships before attacking Lusitania Unrestricted submarine warfare – German submarines violated the rule of war by firing on both civilian and military vessels (boats) Ties with Britain (pg. 419) Zimmerman Telegram Russian Revolution – fall of the czar in 1917 removed the last stumbling block to joining the Allies U.S. Entry into World War I

2 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Ties with Britain Zimmerman Telegram
SLUTZ An Acronym to remember US Entry into WWI: (Write this on the bottom or back of your timeline) Sussex Pledge Lusitania Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Ties with Britain Zimmerman Telegram

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