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Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

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Presentation on theme: "Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

2 Offspring are the new organisms produced by one or more parents
Offspring are the new organisms produced by one or more parents. (children, babies, young)

3 The study of heredity in biology is called genetics.

4 The Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel was an Austrian
monk who studied mathematics and science but became a gardener in a monastery.

5 Mendel thought there might be a connection between the color of a pea plant flower and the type of seed the plant produced. He began to experiment with garden peas in 1856. Mendel made careful use of experimental design to study pea plants and had the first recorded study of how traits pass from one generation to the next.


7 Reproduction Reproduction - is the act or process of producing babies, young animals, or plants. Living things reproduce to make young plants or animals.

8 Questions for discussion:
Do all organisms reproduce? Do all organisms reproduce in the same way?

9 Types of Reproduction Asexual - one parent Sexual - two parents

10 Asexual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which a new organism is produced from one parent and has the same DNA or genetic material as the parent. Spider plant offspring Yeast cells dividing (budding)

11 Sexual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which two cells, usually an egg and a sperm join to form a zygote, which develops into a new organism with its own genetic identity. Animal Plant

12 Question for discussion:
Can you think of other organisms that reproduce through asexual or sexual reproduction?

13 Asexual Reproduction Examples

14 A whole new starfish can grow from a single arm that was cut off a starfish organism.
A planarian is a tiny flatworm that lives in ponds. If a planarian is cut into pieces, each piece will grow into a new planarian. Yeast are one-celled organisms that produce offspring from a bulge that forms and breaks away from the parent.

15 A paramecium is a one-celled organism that reproduces by splitting in half to become two new cells.
An ivy plant will reproduce a whole new plant if a piece of stem and leaf is placed into water or soil. Look at the cards in the envelope provided by your teacher. Match the words with the picture it belongs with.

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