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The Picture of Dorian Gray Pt 1

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1 The Picture of Dorian Gray Pt 1
Film & Literature The Picture of Dorian Gray Pt 1

2 Learning Teams GROUPS 1 Seokyung Kim, Frederik Thomsen, Woo Jin Lee, Shuchang Wang, So Hyun Park 5 Dongwon Hwang, Sangyoung Seo, Won Oh Jung, Juyoung Kwak, Sang Rae Jo 2 Heeju Kim, Minsoo Kwak, Nahong Han, Samantha Yangali, Minwoo Lee 6 Hyun Park, Jooyoung Lee, Sunyoung Heo, Dong Yan, Sin Yong Moon 3 Kristyna Kolarova, Jung Hyung Choi, Yong Hyuk Cho, Hyunmin Kang, Hye Sun Lee 7 Shijiya Liu, Oxana Sokolova, Bongju Kim, Juyoung Kim, Hyojae Shin 4 Felix Schwager, Hee Sang Nah, Annabella Nemeth, Alba Verea, Seung Jun Lee 8 Roh Yeon (로연), Anastasiya Zabolotnaya, So Jeong Kim, Hongbi Kim, Youngseo Park

3 The Daily Journal Daily activity (bring your notebook!)
First ~5 min of class exactly 1:30 If you’re late, please enter room quietly I will supply the topic each day Write as neatly as you can

4 Daily Journal Example

5 Today’s Journal Prompt (11 Sept)
Reflect on one of the following quotes by Oscar Wilde: There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes.

6 Focus on the author: Oscar Wilde
Irish author & playwright ( ) The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Happy Prince Wilde was openly gay at a time when homosexuality was considered a criminal offence in Britain. Wilde was tried and imprisoned, spending 2 years in jail. The trial bankrupted him, and he became sickly while in prison, and died in poverty soon after his release.

7 Literature Circle Daily activity – journaling & reflective discussion
5 roles/group: Summarizer Word Master Connector Discussion Director Culture Collector

8 Literature Circle Roles
SUMMARIZER: Summarize to your group what you read for today. Consider the following: What has happened in this part of the story? Who are the characters (major & important minor char.)? Is there a clear protagonist/antagonist? WORD MASTER: In your reading, what words, expressions, idioms did you find interesting or important? CONNECTOR: What does the reading remind you of in another book/movie/your own life or the life of someone you know? DISCUSSION DIRECTOR: Create some discussion questions (3~4) for your group based on the reading. During your Lit Circle discussion, keep everyone focused on the task. Be sure everyone contributes according to their role and asks/answers some questions/gives opinions. CULTURE COLLECTOR: How is the story similar to or different from in important ways your own culture or life? What is strange or what is familiar about the story?

9 Literature Circle In your reading circle, share the notes you took for the 1st part of The Picture of Dorian Gray Listen to others’ contributions & feel free to add ideas of your own (e.g. “Summarizer” can also comment on vocabulary (“Word Master”) or culture (“Culture Collector”) “Discussion Directors” should facilitate discussion to include everyone and share the discussion questions they prepared for today

10 Additional Discussion Questions
What is the effect of meeting Lord Henry on Dorian’s life? Why do you think Basil doesn’t want to display Dorian’s portrait in public? What do you think of the relationship between Basil and Dorian? Between Basil and Lord Henry? What is Sybil Vane’s role in the story? What do you think of her relationship with Dorian?

11 Dorian Gray in film The Picture of Dorian Gray has been filmed numerous times, beginning in 1910 We’ll see parts of the 1945 & versions today and next time

12 The Picture of Dorian Gray
Watch the beginning of the film, The Picture of Dorian Gray As you watch, consider… What has been changed in the film, compared with the book? Why do you think the director made changes? Now watch a critical scene in the first half of the film. Consider… Why do you think the director includes color here? How does this affect us, the audience? How does this scene hint at the beginning of Dorian’s “fall from grace”?

13 Literature Circle Roles
Discuss the roles with your group and choose one person for each job for the second half of The Picture of Dorian Gray SUMMARIZER WORD MASTER CONNECTOR DISCUSSION DIRECTOR CULTURE COLLECTOR Journal about your role to prepare for next class

14 Literature Circle Journal Entry Example

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