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Day 2: Age of Faith Age of Faith

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1 Day 2: Age of Faith Age of Faith
Dominance of Roman Catholic Church in western Europe Rise of Islam out of the Middle East Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris (Gothic – ) Encyclopedia Britannica, Notre Dame Cathedral, 2015, (Dec. 4, 2015)

2 Islam’s Founding Founded in 610 CE by Muhammad in Arabia
A monotheist religion (Allah is the one God) Muhammad is considered a prophet

3 Five Pillars of Islam Every Muslim must:
repeat: “I witness that there is only one God and Muhammad is His messenger.” (Shahada) pray facing Mecca five times per day (Salat) give alms (Zakat) - charity tax on income for poor, schools, hospitals, etc. fast during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan make the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca at least once (if able)

4 Islamic Scriptures The Qur’an
Not seen as interpretation of God’s word but God’s actual word The Qur’an

5 Submission Islam = submission to God Muslim = those who submit to God
this means the religion itself the adjectival form (Islamic) is used to describe things, not people Muslim = those who submit to God this means those who practice the religion the adjectival form (Muslim) is used to describe people, not things

6 Hagia Sofia

7 How well has it stood the test of time?
You will either be in groups of mostly 3, a few groups of 2 Groups 1-3 (A) 4-5 (B) – 6-8 (C) Answer the respective questions in your groups Submit a picture by the end of the day! Google Doc on blog We will design posters and do a gallery walk tomorrow

8 A) Roman Catholic buildings:
Saint Sofia Church - Bulgaria Notre Dame Cathedral – France Church of St John the Baptist, Kerch - Ukraine Wells Cathedral - United Kingdom Monastery of St. Mary Deipara – Egypt Basilica di San Marco - Venice, Italy Canterbury Cathedral – England C) Islamic buildings: Great Mosque of Kairouan - Tunisia B) Orthodox buildings: Hagia Sofia – Turkey Church of the Acheiropoietos - Greece Imam Ali Mosque – Iraq Dormition of the Theotokos Church, Labovë e Kryqit - Albania Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba – Spain

9 Day 2 HW Read and take notes from pages 536-541 Crusades overview
Effects (military, trade, unintended)

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