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English 12: 9/1/15 Day 1 Welcome: Mr. Crowley- Portable 1

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1 English 12: 9/1/15 Day 1 Welcome: Mr. Crowley- Portable 1
Items to collect and take home A. Syllabus B. Name tag assignment C. Letter to Teacher D. Photos today in all English classes. Objective: Students get basic orientation to class and travel to get his/her school photo taken. DO: 1. Read Syllabus tonight-get signed. 2. Figure out how you will print a 4x6 selfie. 3. Find 4 favorites that relate to you.

2 English 10 “A” Day 9/9/15 #3 Objective: Students will review the analysis notes in the reading packet by completing several review and analytical activities. Task #1- Put up photographs. 2.. Notes on “Move # 3” 3. Complete several review activities. Keep a running total in your notebook. 4. Get stamps for completed handbook notes. Homework: By Friday: Read “Move # 4” and complete notes on your own. Page # 3 of handbook- page # 4 overall.

3 English 10: 9/2 A day Objective: What is analysis? How is it different from summary? Students will learn the differences between simple simply making judgements and actually making inferences based on implicit observations. Tasks today: 1. Syllabus breakdown(10) 2. Letter to teacher(20) write first 2 paragraphs. 3. Analysis packet: Move #1 plus what is analysis and how does it work. Notes for handbook. Teacher analysis. (30) 4. Name tag creation: Creating. Finding a quote. Taking a picture? (30 5. A day due dates: Name tag and letter due Friday.

4 English 10: A Day Day 3 9/4 Objective: What is analysis? How is it different from summary? Students will learn the differences between simply making judgements and actually making inferences based on implicit observations. Tasks today: Present Name tags and turn in. (40) Turn in letter to teacher(5) Take photos if applicable(5) Analysis handbook notes and reading(35) Home work? Read Move # 3: Work on handbook. Have first 3 pages done by Wednesday. Title page, move #1 & Move #2

5 English 10: 9/11 “A day” # 4 Objective: Students will review the analysis notes in the reading packet by completing several review and analytical activities. Objective # 2 : Students will learn the essentials of “Move # 4” in the analysis packet by completing handbook notes and referring to power point slide for scaffolding information. Tasks: 1. Review activities galore.

6 English 10: “ A” day- 9/15 Objective: Students will review the analysis notes in the reading packet by completing several review and analytical activities. Tasks to do: ** Review last page of notes for “Move # 5” 1. Analysis of Code person. 2. Jolie ad. 3. Mr. Crowley 3. Get stamps for all 3 analysis pieces from Friday today. -Gets stamp for final page of handbook. 4. Topic ideas for essays. 5. Hand out essay directions and rubric. 6. First draft due on Monday-typed. Worth 2 stamps. 7. Thursday-district assessment.

7 English 10 “A” day- 9/17 Objective: Students will take a district pre-assessment in order to help teachers evaluate student reading and writing. Task 1: Take assessment test. Objective # 2: Students demonstrate understanding of the analysis reading packet by writing an analysis on a topic of their choice. Task 1: Read updated rubric and essay instruction. Task 2: Turn in Analysis handbook. Task 3: Work on rough draft, pre-write, outline or brainstorm on personal topic. Task 4: Get chosen topics checked off. Homework: Draft 1 of essay is due on Monday.

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