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The MedDispenser Improving Medication Compliance for the Elderly

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Presentation on theme: "The MedDispenser Improving Medication Compliance for the Elderly"— Presentation transcript:

1 The MedDispenser Improving Medication Compliance for the Elderly
Group: Ashley Hammann Darnita Mims Connie Saelzler Annie Suarez Advisor: Richard Fries, Datex Ohmeda

2 The Elderly and Medication Regime Adherence
When a patient is asked to take a medication 3 or more times a day, less than 50% of patients can comply with those instructions. The more medications added to a patient’s therapy, the lower the chance of a patient taking all the medications correctly.

3 Need for a Device In order to improve the efficacy of medication regimes, medication must be taken: At the correct times In the correct dosages According to pharmacist advice Therefore, a medication dispenser with the ability to ensure medication is taken correctly is needed.

4 Purpose The MedDispenser will:
Dispense the correct medications at the correct time in the correct dosages In order to avoid over- dosages, forgetfulness, and drug side effects from incorrectly following pharmacist’s and doctor’s directions

5 Proposed Design Each medication will be distributed into separate slots of a container The prescription definition will be saved in the device’s memory The correct medication and dosage will be dispensed at the correct time Each prescription type will be allotted a separate level in the tower

6 Past Work Creation and distribution of a Potential Customer Survey
Creation and distribution of a Health Care Provider Survey Meeting with Philip E. Johnston, Pharm. D. at the Department of Pharmaceutical Services at VUH

7 Current Work Collection of both surveys
Compilation of Data from surveys Further research into more concrete design specifications

8 Future Work Design specifications will be defined
Computer model including user interface A critique by healthcare providers An actual prototype of the device

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