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Hawai’i Statewide Assessment Program
Test Administrator Training (pt. 2) for TC, and TA TA Site Navigation This is the test administrator training module for Oregon’s statewide assessment system, required for all district and school test coordinators, as well as all test administrators.
Modules Recommended for TAs
Test Administrators (Planning for before, during, and after) pt. 1 Test Administrators (TA site navigation) pt. 2 TA Interface Training Module Test Security This training module is the first of the required modules for Test Administrators, which should be followed with the training modules that cover accessibility supports and test security. Additionally, TAs are required to review the module(s) for the specific assessment(s) they will be administering. Each training module is intended to provide an overview of the major topics as well as an orientation to the manuals and other resources available to support TAs before, during, and after testing.
Objectives After viewing this presentation, you should be able to:
Know Roles and Responsibilities Log in to TIDE System Use the TA Interface to start and run a test session View student test settings and accessibility resources Monitor the testing process Pause and stop a test session Print test session information Exit and log out of the TA Interface After viewing this presentation, you should be able to: Use the TA Interface to start and run a test session View student test settings and accessibility resources Monitor the testing process Pause and stop a test session Print test session information, and Exit and log out of the TA Interface
Participation in Required in Spring Assessments
Student Participation Participation in Required in Spring Assessments English Language Arts Grades 3 – 8, & 11: Smarter Balanced or Extended Assessments Mathematics Grades 3 – 8, & 11: Smarter Balanced or Extended Assessment HSA Science Grades 5, 8, & 11: Online Science Assessment EOC Exams: Biology I (Optional): Alg I & II The expected participation by grade level for each tested subject is shown on this slide. Please note that participation requirements are set by federal or state statute and a 95% threshold is expected for subject areas, except the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA21) where every student meeting the inclusion requirements is expected to participate.
Planning that Impacts Participation
Student Participation Planning that Impacts Participation Know how many opportunities are available for the test you’ll be administering Know when your school is administering each test so your students take the right test at the right time Know what test settings your students need before testing begins Check IEPs and 504 Plans what supports are identified Check TIDE to see what settings are assigned Students may have multiple opportunities for some assessments under certain conditions, such as Science. All TAs need to be attentive to the number of opportunities students have for the assessments they are administering. Consult the section(s) of the TAM for specific rules for each test. Locally developed testing schedules that adhere to the statewide assessment windows should guide TAs as to which assessments will be administered to which students and when. Consult the locally developed testing plans to ensure students are administered the right test at the right time. Prior to testing, TAs must be aware of which supports students will need and that all preparations have been made so ensure those supports are available during testing. Awareness and planning in these areas contribute to increased student participation. Consult Section 6: Planning for Test Administration in the TAM for more information.
TA Roles and Responsibilities
Before testing: Provide students with an opportunity to take the practice test Review with SSC and TC student IEPs or education plans to identify appropriate test formats and accessibility supports Make arrangements for students who are not testing During testing: Ensure that students receive the appropriate test Enforce test environment requirements and test security After testing: Check participation reports to ensure all eligible students have completed testing The responsibilities of a test administrator are not limited to testing day. Preparation before testing should include providing students with an opportunity to become familiar with testing format, consulting all relevant documentation for identifying which students to test and which accessibility supports to provide, as well as making arrangements for students who are not testing such as students who finish earlier than their peers during a testing session. During testing, it is the TA’s responsibility to ensure students receive the appropriate test and actively monitor students to maintain a secure testing environment. After testing, TAs can check participation reports to monitor student progress and completion of tests.
Test Environment Ensures validity of student results and that no students have an unfair advantage or disadvantage during testing. A secure testing environment ensures that no students have an unfair advantage or disadvantage during testing.
Requirements Test Environment Supervision at all times by a trained TA
Quiet environment void of distractions Cell phones and other electronic devices put away Only accessibility supports listed in Accessibility Manual made available to students Limited interaction with students Read student directions Administer accessibility supports appropriately No coaching After the trained TA sets up the testing session and students begin testing, those students must be supervised by the TA until the end of the testing session. The testing environment must be quiet and void of distractions. Students may only have access to supports from the Oregon Accessibility Manual that are administered according to the rules set out in the manual. TAs need to limit their interaction with students to ensure consistency in testing environments across schools and districts. This includes reading the student directions verbatim, following the TAM and OAM, and never coaching students. To facilitate this limited interaction during testing, it is a best practice to prepare students before testing by explaining what will be allowed and what will not be allowed in the testing environment. A secure testing environment will be addressed in more depth in the test security training module.
TIDE Portal The web based system that is used for testing, test settings, and progress monitoring reports. The OAKS Portal is the online system used to set up a testing session, enabling test settings, and access progress monitoring reports.
Accessing the TIDE Portal
TIDE Portal URL: Register to receive alerts when announcements or resources are posted on the portal TA user account provides access to: TIDE (view and edit student test settings) TA Interface (used to administer tests) Online Reporting System (view participation and performance reports) The OAKS Portal is accessible to adult users by visiting Student only access to access the practice tests. The banner from the portal is shown on the slide. Announcements that impact the portal or testing are posted to the landing page and anyone may register to receive automatic alerts for these announcements. A TA user account includes access to multiple components within OAKS Portal. The Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) is used to view and edit student test settings as well as monitor testing progress. The TA Interface is used to create a testing session to administer tests. The Online Reporting System (ORS) is used to view performance reports. TA user accounts are granted by TCs after the completion of the annual required training and submitting a signed assurance of test security form. Please consult your locally developed processes and procedures for obtaining an OAKS Portal user account for the current school year.
Accessing the TIDE Portal
Shown on this slide is a screen shot of the options presented to a TA after selecting Test Administrator on the OAKS Portal landing page. From this page a TA may select test administration to set up a testing session, TIDE to edit student settings, the training site to build familiarity with the testing interface before administering an operational test, the online reports to view participation and performance results, or resources to access user guides to voice packs.
Test Administration Training and Practice Tests can be taken as a guest or in a testing session set up in the Training Site by any Teacher. “Actual Assessments” – can only be administered by a trained certified test administrator using the TA Live Site and with students using the HI Secure Browser. For SY 2018 – 2019… The TA Live Site is very similar to SY Reminder: Mathematics Performance Task (PT) will no longer appear for the Summative Assessments. TAs will: Select Smarter Balance Summative Choose Content Area (ELA/L or Math) For ELA/L only, TAs will select Type of Test (CAT or PT) After selecting PT, selecting the appropriate grade level will launch all ELA/L PTs for that grade. Training and Practice Tests can be taken as a guest or in a testing session set up in the Training Site by any Teacher “Actual Assessments” – HSA Science, End of Course Exams, Smarter Balanced Interim and Summative Assessments, and HSA-Alt Assessments can only be administered by a trained certified test administrator using the TA Live Site and with students using the HI Secure Browser. For SY … The TA Live Site has a new look and feel. For Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, more than one Performance Task will appear for each grade level in both ELA and Math. All PTs that appear should be started. This is because, with the removal of classroom activities, students in the same grade/classroom will not all be asked to complete the same performance task.
Overview of Test Delivery System
TA Interface Administer online tests, track progress, and manage students testing in your session Adjust test settings for individual students before they are approved to start the test Approve and submit print requests from students Student Interface Secure online test that must be accessed via a secure browser General Education Student Interface Braille Interface TAs access the test delivery system through the OAKS Portal. The student interface can only be accessed through the current-year secure browser. The secure browser for all supported operating systems can be downloaded from the OAKS Portal.
Create a Test Session This slide has animations
The TA Live Site has a “tree structure” that allows the TA to open various branches until they reach the tests they will be administering then select and launch those tests. Multiple tests can be launched in the same session but care must be taken to ensure that students select and are admitted to the correct test. Once a TA selects tests and Starts a Live Session the session ID appears
TA Interface: Overview, cont.
When you first log in to the TA Interface, the Test Selection window will appear automatically. This window closes when you start the session. After you start a session, the session ID will appear at the top of the TA Interface along with a Stop button. When students start signing in to the test session, an Approvals button will also appear next to the session ID. The screen will refresh approximately every 30 seconds. If you wish to refresh sooner to view students who are awaiting approval, you may use the “refresh” button to the right of the “Select Tests” and “Approvals” button. Once you approve students for testing, the Test Session table will appear in the center of the TA Interface, displaying students’ testing progress. Additional features are available in the banner at the top of the screen.
TA Interface at a Glance
Used to create and manage test sessions and approve students All information is visible on one screen Test Session ID Students needing approval to start testing Students with tests in progress Print requests The TA interface is accessed through the Test Administration option in the OAKS Portal. The screenshot shown on this slide is an example of a practice test session. It is through this interface that a TA can view the session ID, which student need approval to begin testing in the session, those who have tests in progress, and which students have submitted a print request. The following slides will walk through setting up a testing session. TA User Guide
TA Interface (cont.) Create and Manage Test Sessions
List of available tests automatically displays upon logging in Click Expand All to see more detail Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session] System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout Sessions cannot be resumed Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that includes the applicable test subject and grade Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will need to create another test session for students to resume testing To create a testing session, the TA selects Create and Manage Test Session. Then a list of available tests will automatically display. Click on the plus symbol to expand any test to see more detail and locate the specific grade level and/or test that will be administered during the testing session. Only select the specific tests that are expected to be taken by students during the testing session to avoid students from accidentally starting the incorrect test. After the TA selects Start Session, the system will automatically generate a unique testing session ID that students will need in order to log in. The test session will remain open until ended by the TA or when the TA logs out. Once a session is ended, it may not be resumed and a new session must be started. Students may resume a paused testing in any new test session as long as the applicable test is included in the session. For example, if a TA creates a test session for students on a Tuesday, to resume testing the next day the TA will need to create a new test session for students to resume testing. Also, a new test session is needed for each new group of students if a TA is testing different groups of students in the same day.
Trying Out a Practice Test w/ TA
Remember the Training Test allows students to become familiar with the assessment software, tools, etc., while the Practice Test includes about 30 items at each grade level and provides access to the designated supports and accommodations if administered using the secure browser. Both tests can be conducted in a testing session administered by a Test Administrator using the TA Practice Site and secure browser or in a “guest session” using any browser from any location. Today we’ll do a Practice Test with some of you acting as TA! Remember the Training Test allows students to become familiar with the assessment software, tools, etc., while the Practice Test includes about 30 items at each grade level and provides access to the designated supports and accommodations if administered using the secure browser. Both tests can be conducted in a testing session administered by a Test Administrator using the TA Practice Site and secure browser or in a “guest session” using any browser from any location. >>Smarter Balanced>> Students and Families>>Training and Practice Tests
Student Log-in TA User Guide 1
Log in using First Name, SSID, Session ID Confirm identity – “Is This You?” screen First Name (same as in SSID upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID Select Test Student will see available tests by subject TA Approval required to start test Confirm test -- “Is this your test?” screen 2 3 4 This slide shows the 5-step student login process with screenshots of what the student will see at each step. Note in step 1 that each student will need the unique session ID. Also, student names must be typed in exactly how the name is entered in the system. After signing in, additional information, such as the student’s birthday and school, will by displayed so that the student can confirm they are logging into their own account. Once confirmed, the student will be presented with a list of tests that they have access to. It is important to be aware that students will not be able to select a test if it was not included in the session, even if that student is eligible for that test. After the student selects the test, they will be shown the “waiting for approval” screen until the TA approves their test. After approval, the student will be shown one more confirmation screen that will include the test settings. This is the final opportunity for the student to ensure they have the correct settings. As a note, for OAKS Science and ELPA21, instead of the Audio Playback Check page, students will see a Sound and Video Playback Check page that will ask students to verify that they can view the sample video and hear its associated sound. 5 TA User Guide
Approving Student Entry
Once you start the test session and students log in, you must approve their test settings before they can access their tests. It is very important that you pay close attention to the test name prior to approval to be sure that students have selected the appropriate test. To approve student tests, click the Approvals button. A list of students will display, organized by test name. You should review the list to make sure that all students chose the correct content area and test. You should also ensure that all the settings that each student should have are correct. This is done using the Eye button in the See Details column. We will talk more about that in a few moments. If no changes are needed, select Approve All Students to admit all students to the session. If a student selected an incorrect test, you must deny that student entry to the test session by clicking the X button in the Action column.
Student Lookup If a student is having trouble logging in, use the Student Lookup feature to verify that the student’s login credentials are correct. You can use either the Quick Search or Advanced Search option to view the information entered for the student in the Test Information Distribution Engine (or TIDE). With Quick Search, you simply enter the student’s state-assigned student ID and click the Submit SSID button. Advanced Search allows you to narrow your search using several filters, including Complex Area/School, Grade, and First and Last Name. When using either Quick Search or Advanced Search, if the search results in matches, the information will appear in the bottom of the window. If there is no match, you will see an error message.
Student Lookup, cont. If you see the student you are looking for, click the Eye button next to the student’s name. A new window displaying the student’s information will appear. Note that the information displayed may vary slightly from what is shown here.
Denying Student Entry Deny entry to a test session in these circumstances: The student is not supposed to enter this session. The student’s demographic information is incorrect. The student’s required accommodations are incorrect. Although you can approve all students at the same time, students must be individually denied entry into the test session. You should deny students entry into the session in these circumstances: • The student is not supposed to enter this session. • The student’s demographic information is incorrect. • The student’s required accommodations are incorrect. Denying the student entry into the test session will not prevent other approved students from beginning their tests. If the student’s test settings are incorrect, the settings must be updated in TIDE or the TA Interface before the student takes the test. Contact your School Coordinator to have the settings updated. This will prevent resetting the test for the student later. Note that no settings can be changed while the student is actively testing. Once a student begins testing, the language option cannot be changed without resetting the test opportunity. Updates to background color or font size will take effect only after the student logs out and then resumes testing.
Monitoring Student Status
Once students log in and are approved for testing, you can monitor their status from this screen. A table shows each student’s name, SSID, Opportunity Number, Test Name, Requests, Student Status, Test Settings, and a Pause Test option. The Requests column displays a notification when students request a printout. We will discuss this in more detail shortly. The Test Settings column will display either Standard or Custom. This column displays Custom when a student’s test settings are different from the default settings for that test. Click the Eye button to view a student’s test settings. The Student Status column indicates the student’s progress through the items in the test. It shows the total number of items completed thus far and the total number of items in the test.
Printing Test Session Information
If you wish to print a snapshot of the TA Interface in its current view, click the Print Session button. This can be useful for tracking which students did not complete their tests and may need to be scheduled for another session. It may be necessary to set the page layout to landscape or adjust the margins in the Print Preview screen in order for the list to fit on the page. Remember that any printouts containing personally identifiable student information must be securely stored and should be destroyed after use.
Pausing and Stopping Sessions
You have two options within the TA Interface to pause or stop testing once it has begun. You can pause an individual student’s test, or stop the entire session. To pause an individual student’s test, click the Pause button on the monitoring screen for that student. When prompted, click OK to confirm that you want to pause the test. This option would be appropriate if a student becomes ill, for example. In the event of an emergency that requires all students to stop testing, you can pause all students’ tests by stopping the session. If you stop the session, all in-progress tests will be paused. If a session stops, it cannot be resumed. You will have to create a new session and give the new session ID to students so that they can resume testing. To stop the entire test session for all students: • Click the Stop button in the upper right corner of the screen. A pop-up message will appear requesting verification to end the session and log students out. • Click OK to continue. If you forget to log out before leaving the testing area, the session will close automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity on both the TA and student computers. You would then need to create a new session and provide the new session ID to students in order to resume testing.
Paused Test Information
When the system detects that a student is no longer in a test session, an information icon will appear in the Pause Test column for that student. Click the circular button in the Pause Test column to view a description of the student’s status, including why the student is no longer in the test session. This information can help you diagnose why a student has unexpectedly left a test session. The information that appears will tell you whether a student’s test has been paused due to the student clicking the Pause button, a session timeout, or some other reason. For a full list of status descriptions that can appear during a test session, please consult the TA User Guide.
Logging Out of the TA Interface
To log out of the TA Interface, click the Logout button in the upper right corner of the screen. It is preferable for you to log out only after stopping your active test session, as logging out will cause all in-progress tests to be paused. A confirmation message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to exit the site and pause all students’ in-progress tests. This scenario also occurs when you navigate to another site from the TA Interface. However, regardless of when or how you log out or navigate away from the TA Interface, student data will NOT be lost. If you need to access another application, we encourage you to open it in a separate browser window. Click Yes to proceed. When all students have completed testing, refer to the Test Administration Manual for instructions on destroying any printed testing materials and reporting testing improprieties or irregularities.
Troubleshooting Description What to Do
What should I do if a session ends? Log in and start a new session. Provide the students with a new session ID. What should I do if a student gets logged out of a test while a session is still active? If a student’s test session is interrupted, the student should log back in and rejoin the session. What should I do if forbidden applications are running? The secure browser will not allow the student to begin testing if forbidden applications are running. You will see messages advising you which applications must be closed before testing can begin. What should I do if a student’s test freezes? Force quit the secure browser and log back in. For instructions, refer to the Test Administration Manual. This table presents some of the common issues that you or your students may encounter during a test session. Please take a moment to review this information. For more detailed information and additional technical tips, please refer to the Test Administration Manual and the Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing.
Thank You! Further Information Visit Call, fax, or the American Institutes for Research HSAP Help Desk Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 p.m. HST, Monday-Friday (except holidays) Phone: Fax: Thank you for taking the time to view this training module. If you have general questions or need further information, visit the portal, the Smarter Balanced website, or consult the HSAP Help Desk for assistance.
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