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Professional Confidence August 3rd 2018

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1 Professional Confidence August 3rd 2018
Conan McKay, ASCCC Area B Representative LaTonya Parker, ASCCC South Representative 2018 ASCCC Part Time Faculty Leadership Institute

2 Program Description Confidence is an essential quality for faculty members. This session will examine ways to cultivate personal confidence and will discuss how this characteristic can lead to improved teaching.

3 Room Check What brings you to this session? What is your background experience in the community college?

4 Professional Confidence (PC)
Very few people enter a new environment with confidence Confidence is built upon years of training and experience to know that you will be able to adapt and adjust to the unknown No matter what situation you will encounter, preparation is the key to overcoming nervousness and fear

5 Why is PC Important? Very few people were born to be a professor
Becoming an effective leader or educator will take a lot of work and dedication Everyone has to teach their first class and no one is perfect the first time out

6 PC-Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone
Self Affirmation Through Collaboration It is often difficult for part time faculty to be involved beyond the classroom, but try to be engaged (i.e. Committee, Club Advisor, Academic Senate) Be an active part of SLO assessment and offer suggestions if you have any Give feedback on the curriculum and make suggestions for possible changes Attend department meetings if you are able. When you are visible, you will get a better sense of what it is like to be a full time faculty member Present Workshops Conduct Faculty Flex Activities in Your Area of Expertise

7 PC is More Than Building Self-Esteem
Building professional confidence is intentional actions towards identified personal aspirations Serve As a Mentor Students, Staff and Colleagues Create a Personal Mission Statement Identify Areas to be Strengthened

8 Building PC in the Classroom
Each class is an opportunity to engage with your students Students will disengage if you give the impression that you don’t want to be there, are nervous, or if you are not prepared Be willing to seek feedback from students on new activities or assignments Be professional and always be prepared for class! Whether you use prepared notes or not, plan out what you are hoping to cover that day. Don’t just wing it because they will know.

9 Classroom Cont. - Respect Your Students
Your students are there to learn and they need your help to get there Be yourself and be prepared Keep students engaged by asking them questions – make sure you learn their names because you expect them to learn yours Arrive early enough to greet students and engage with them individually as they arrive for class; engage with them during breaks and after class as appropriate Provide feedback throughout the semester Return graded work as quickly as possible!

10 Build PC - Seek Help From Other Faculty
Other faculty members in your department are there to help Ask for advice about the class that you are teaching Are there topics where students struggle? Are there some topics where you should spend more time? Are there some topics that are essential for the next class? Ask a faculty member you trust to come and observe your class. Get classroom advice from an experienced teacher Help with your natural anxiety about being observed Ask to watch other faculty members teach their classes, including in disciplines very different than your own

11 Build PC – Innovation & Teaching
We all have classes that we love to teach, but if you only ever teach a single class you are less likely to get a full time position Go to the department chair and make it clear that you are willing and wanting to teach any class Teaching new classes every semester requires more work, but it forces you out of your comfort zone and expands your repertoire Seek continual improvement of the classes you teach Make adjustments to content, delivery, and assignments Don’t let your class become static from semester to semester

12 Build PC-Professional Development
As academics, we are always trying to learn Look for professional development opportunities in your discipline or around teaching Many colleges offer opportunities to attend conferences to part time faculty – make sure to let your dean know that you would be interested Whether you are seeking to be a full time faculty member or want to stay part time, we all have things that we can do better!

13 How Do You Measure PC? Feedback From Others Level of Engagement
College Involvement Interpersonal Communication How You Present? Accomplishments

14 Any Questions? Thank You For Coming!
LaTonya Parker – Conan McKay -

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