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Why is Typing Important to learn?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is Typing Important to learn?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Typing! Goal: I will learn how to sit and where my fingers should go on the keyboard.

2 Why is Typing Important to learn?
Jobs Homework Testing Other Ideas?

3 Posture Feet flat on the ground Back Straight
Eyes at the level of the screen Arms bent at the elbows naturally Fingers resting on the keys Wrist off the keyboard and table WHY do we have to have good posture? Memory Muscles

4 Which is the best sitting posture?

5 What's wrong?

6 Whose got the skills? Someone Demonstrate.

7 Where do my fingers go? NO HUNTING AND PECKING!
Your fingers will have a home on your keyboard. ASDF JKL; They will reach up or down to get to other letter keys but will always come back home. Lets practice on our keyboards.

8 Finished Product!

9 KeyBoard Rap!
Left Hand Starts Left Hand little finger A Reach for the Q now down to the Z its not hard to do. Ring Finger S up then down we got W and X without a frown. Reaching for middle D it’s so easy, up for E then down for C. Now find the bump letter F reach for the R V. Now go to the right for the TGB. Left Hand down now you can switch with me!

10 Right hand little finger semi semi semi up with P don’t you see
Right hand little finger semi semi semi up with P don’t you see. Ring finger L reaching for the O. K can go to the I you know. Now J has got the bump and going for U. M and N are best buddies too. Y do we type the H with ease because Now we’ve typed all the keys.

11 Practice Type: Your name Favorite animal Favorite movie
Try not looking as you type sing the song is your head….

12 Review of dance Mat Typing!
What icon do I click on? Where do I find it? How do I play?

13 Review of Type to Learn! Where is the icon? How do I log on?
How do I play?

14 Getting around on my computer Goal: I will Review the computer Parts and items on the screen so that I can move around on the computer easier.

15 Computer Parts Review Mouse Keyboard Screen Headphones

16 Keyboard

17 Practice Typing

18 Computer items


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