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Reminders: Unit: Causes of the American Revolution Focus Activity:

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1 Reminders: Unit: Causes of the American Revolution Focus Activity:
MYP Unit Question: What values are worth fighting for? Focus Question: How does war begin? Focus Activity: Review time! Homework: Study for tomorrow’s test: extra help after school today and tomorrow morning Thursday, December 6th, 2018  Good Morning  Reminders: Unit 4 Test TOMORROW!!

2 What do I need to study for tomorrow’s test?
French and Indian War (causes/effects) Albany Congress/Albany Plan of Union Mercantilism/The Navigation Acts The Proclamation of 1763 Taxes, Taxes, Taxes! The Boston Massacre (causes/effects) The Boston Tea Party (causes/effects) Intolerable Acts/First Continental Congress

3 What do I need to study for tomorrow’s test?
Lexington/Concord Bunker Hill Common Sense The Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence Advantages/Disadvantages


5 1650s: Parliament passes these acts to control trade with the colonies.
The Navigation Acts 1754: Ben Franklin calls this meeting to attempt to create the first representative government for all 13 colonies. The Albany Congress

6 1754-1763: Conflict between England and France, England wins
The French and Indian War 1763: Parliament issues this order, preventing colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains The Proclamation of 1763

7 Stamp Act and Quartering Act
1764: Parliament issues this tax on molasses. Sons of Liberty protest, and it is repealed The Sugar Act 1765: Parliament issues this tax on paper goods (later repealed) AND issues this act that requires colonists to provide shelter and food for Redcoat soldiers. This second act was NOT repealed. (2 separate answers). Stamp Act and Quartering Act

8 1767: Parliament issues this tax on a number of random goods imported from England.
The Townshend Acts 1770: Colonists confront British soldiers standing outside of the Boston Customs House. 5 colonists are killed in the action that follows. What is this event called? The Boston Massacre

9 1773: Parliament passes this act, putting a tax on tea
The Tea Act 1773: Members of the Sons of Liberty disguise themselves as Mohawk Indians and throw chests of tea into Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act. What was this event called? The Boston Tea Party

10 The Coercive Acts or the Intolerable Acts
1774: To punish Boston, Parliament passes these acts, banning town meetings, closing Boston Harbor to prevent trade, and forcing colonists to keep soldiers in their own homes. The Coercive Acts or the Intolerable Acts 1774: Representatives from some of the colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They decide to boycott all British goods and prepare for war at this meeting. The First Continental Congress

11 Paul Revere, William Dawes, Sybil Ludington
1775: One man gets word that the British are planning an invasion. Along with two other people, he hurries to warn many that the British are arriving. Who are the THREE people who actually participated in this midnight ride? Paul Revere, William Dawes, Sybil Ludington 1775: The day after the last event, the first shots of the Revolution are fired in these two Massachusetts towns. Lexington and Concord

12 The Battle of Bunker Hill
1775: This first major battle of the Revolution takes place. Though the colonists lose, they are proud that they were able to push the British back twice. The Battle of Bunker Hill 1776: A pamphlet is spread throughout the colonies, stating that it is obvious that they should separate from Britain. WHO wrote this pamphlet and WHAT was it called? Thomas Paine and Common Sense

13 The Second Continental Congress
1776: Representatives from most of the colonies meet again in Philadelphia. They decided to declare independence at this meeting. The Second Continental Congress 1776: The Declaration of Independence was written. WHO wrote it, what THREE rights did he believe all men were entitled to, and WHEN was it passed by the Continental Congress? Thomas Jefferson Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness July 4th, 1776

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