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Chapter 3 Chem 341 Suroviec Fall 2016.

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1 Chapter 3 Chem 341 Suroviec Fall 2016

2 I. Water Nearly all biomolecules assume their shape due to water Polar Molecule Central oxygen forms covalent bonds with two hydrogen atoms, leaving 2 unshared electrons

3 B. Types of Interactions
Non-covalent interactions Ionic Hydrogen-bonds Dipole-dipole Dipole-induced dipole London dispersion

4 Table 2-1

5 C. Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic and Amphiphillic
Water sticks together Non-polar sticks together Affects entropy Hydrophilic Polar water will dissolve ionic and polar substances Amphophilic Polar and Nonpolar Forms micelles and bicelles

6 II Properties of Water Polar Molecule High heat of vaporization C. High heat capacity D. High melting/boiling point

7 III. Chemical Properties
Water as a solvent Ability to form H-bonds B. Hydrophobic effect Nonpolar substance does not dissolve but phase separates

8 IV. Acids, Bases and pH Water ionization 2. pH of a solution

9 D. Acids, Bases and pH Acid dissociation Base dissociation

10 D. Acids, Bases and pH 5. pka = -log Ka Acids are classified by Ka Weak acids: Ka < 1 (partially dissociated) Strong acids: Ka >1 (completely dissociated)

11 D. Acids, Bases and pH Buffers Conjugate acid/base combination that over a small pH range resists changes in pH

12 D. Acids, Bases and pH

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