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Home Seller Trends 48 – Avg. Age 76% – Married

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Presentation on theme: "Home Seller Trends 48 – Avg. Age 76% – Married"— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Seller Trends 48 – Avg. Age 76% – Married
89% – Use Social 76% – Hire 1st Media Agent 11 Months – Time They Consider Seller Before Listing 3 Days – Time to Select Agent Responsiveness Top Reason for Choosing an Agent Trustworthiness 2nd Top Reason for Choosing Agent

2 Home Lead Conversion Trends
% Ready to Sell Within 60 Days 14-17 Months True Selling Time Frame for the Majority of Seller Leads

3 Must Make it Easy for Prospects to Contact You:
Follow-up with different communication methods: Phone calls, IM’s, text, , hand-written note cards, message on Facebook, sticky note attached to your Pre Listing Package.

They are never going to be as accurate as a Cloud CMA using the Multiple Listing Service. Admit this and address the issue, then offer, or simply provide, a Cloud CMA in your first automated message to them. This should be a non issue.

5 Get Them on the Phone! The #1 way to Convert Leads:
2018 Average: 7 call attempts to make contact.

6 Ideas You Can Use With Address Captures:
Send or Deliver your Pre Listing Package. Search the address for additional information. Go knock on their door and the surrounding doors as well. Send a handwritten note and business card/gift for 1st contact Include a Cloud CMA with your Pre Listing Package so they have an accurate CMA from you. The Client Creator System has a built-in Auto Phone Look-up Function that will look up phone numbers if you provide a property address. It will find a viable phone number for you about % of the time.

7 Email Follow-up: Don’t talk about yourself!
Speak to their needs and wants. Educate them to the home selling process. Keep messages short, relevant, to-the-point. Plain text messages get best response. Use “sent from iPhone” in your signature. Use signatures with hot links to your Capture Sites. The goal is to get face-to-face with every prospect. Be the conduit, the connectivity, the information disseminator.

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