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To share ideas that have worked well for us

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Presentation on theme: "To share ideas that have worked well for us"— Presentation transcript:

1 To share ideas that have worked well for us
Aims of the session: To gain a better understanding of the rationale behind sharing good practice To share ideas that have worked well for us To apply new ideas to our own curriculum areas

2 Today’s session will focus on sharing good practice.

3 Simply being lectured at doesn’t work….!
In controversial publication ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers: The Michaela Way’, they state that… “I have never (yet) heard a teacher say that ‘a CPD session on (insert latest fad: perhaps, dialogue marking?) revolutionised my teaching and made me the awesome professional I am today’” (Birbalsingh.K, 2016: 188)

4 In his article “26 Ideas for Sharing Best Practice”, Teacher Toolkit says…..

5 4 – you will be gaining ideas from others working with the same kids as you!
3 – you will be sharing ideas you can go and try out right away. 8 – this is a collaborative not a didactic process.

6 End Rules for speed dating 3 minutes in total for each pair
1 minute A tells B about their idea 1 minute B tells A about their idea 1 minute you consider if and how it could be applied to your curriculum area. 3 minutes End

7 Which idea suited your curriculum idea?
How will you apply it?

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