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Lesson 1 - THE RISE OF ROME Lesson 3 - The early roman empire

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1 Lesson 1 - THE RISE OF ROME Lesson 3 - The early roman empire
THE ROMANS Lesson 1 - THE RISE OF ROME Lesson 2 - From Republic to empire Lesson 3 - The early roman empire

The Decline of the Republic Rome began to experience many problems: Senate - these men held most of the power, because they held office for life Controlled domestic and financial policies

The Decline of the Republic 2. Small Farmers - they were losing land to the wealthy aristocrats Many had to move to the cities for survival 3. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus - two brothers who tried to bring reforms for the poor farmers and were assassinated by angry senators

The Decline of the Republic 4. The Army - began recruiting from the urban poor, who swore loyalty to their general, not to the Roman State Marius: was the first general to use this new way to recruit. It was the first time non- Romans were accepted into the legions Lucius Sulla: a general who seized Rome and made a bad example to other generals later

5 QUESTION In which war did Hannibal invade Italy? 2nd Punic War
ANSWER>>> 2nd Punic War

6 QUESTION What did the Gracchus brothers try to do?
ANSWER>>> Return land to small farmers

7 What group held the most power in the Roman Republic?
QUESTION What group held the most power in the Roman Republic? ANSWER>>> Patricians

The End of the Republic As several men were competing for power, Rome established what was known as the First Triumvirate: It was a government headed by 3 people with equal power They each had power in different regions The three men were: Julius Caesar *Marcus Crassus (the richest man in Rome) **Gnaeus Pompey * How he became the richest man and he defeated the slave rebellion under Spartacus. Died fighting the Parthians. ** Pompey Initially supported Julius Caesar due to the rise of Crassus was thought of as the greatest general of the time. Pompey was an indecisive leader. Gnaeus Pompey supported Caesars rise with his wealth then feared his popularity (Greatest general at the time) married to Caesars sister who died in childbirth thereby nullifying the contract between them. Cato the younger urged Pompey to stop Caesar. Marcus Crassus (Rome's richest man) put down the slave rebellion started by Spartacus. Underestimated and Killed fighting the Parthians. First Triumvirate split empire into three Not unusual to split the Roman empire up among a couple of different emperors

The End of the Republic The Triumvirate ended when Crassus was killed in the battle of Carrhae in 53BCE by the Parthians The Roman prisoners of the Battle of Carrhae were brought to Margiana by king Orodes Their further fate is unknown but… estimated 10,000 Roman prisoners were dispatched by the Parthians to Margiana to man the frontier Some time later the nomadic Xiongnu chief Zhizhi established a state further east in the Talas valley, near modern-day Taraz Dubs points to a Chinese account by Ban Gu of about "a hundred men" under the command of Zhizhi who fought in a so-called "fish-scale formation" to defend Zhizhi's wooden-palisade fortress against Han forces, in the Battle of Zhizhi in 36 BC He claimed that this might have been the Roman testudo formation and that these men, who were captured by the Chinese, founded the village of Liqian (Li-chien, possibly from "legio") in Yongchang County The area of the former Liqian city is known for the distinctive physical appearance of its inhabitants The population has higher frequencies of traits prevalent in Europe, such as aquiline noses, blonde or light-colored hair, blue or green eyes, and relatively fair skin tones

The End of the Republic Caesar crossed into forbidden territory when he crossed the Rubicon River with his army Started the civil war with Pompey from which there would be no " turning back" A famous saying evolved from this action: "crossing the Rubicon" means taking an action that can't be undone Julius Caesar (great oratory skills) crossed the Rubicon with his legions. Come back to Rome after giving up his command and be defenseless or break the law becoming an enemy of Rome and cross the Rubicon (the die is cast) With this action he was declaring war on Rome

The End of the Republic Caesar defeated Pompey and was made dictator in 47BCE and then was made "Dictator for Life" in 44BCE Appointed dictator for 10 years bestowed many honors including a decree that the month of July be named after him. His image was also stamped on coins which was a traditional symbol of monarchy and it did not go unnoticed!

Julius Caesar's Reforms: 1. gave land to small farmers 2. increased the Senate to 900 members The new members supported him 3. granted citizenship to people in the provinces who were loyal to him His reforms angered the senators and they plotted to assassinate him

In 44BCE Julius Caesar was assassinated he was the last ruler of the Roman Republic This brought Rome to form another triumvirate

14 Who were the landowners and ruling class?
QUESTION Who were the landowners and ruling class? ANSWER>>> Patricians

15 Who was the richest man in Rome?
QUESTION Who was the richest man in Rome? ANSWER>>> Crassus

16 Who was appointed dictator for life after defeating Pompey?
QUESTION Who was appointed dictator for life after defeating Pompey? ANSWER>>> Julius Caesar

17 The First Triumvirate ended with the death of who?
QUESTION The First Triumvirate ended with the death of who? ANSWER>>> Pompey

18 Who put down the slave revolt led by Spartacus?
QUESTION Who put down the slave revolt led by Spartacus? ANSWER>>> Crassus

19 Julius Caesar sparked a civil war by crossing what river?
QUESTION Julius Caesar sparked a civil war by crossing what river? ANSWER>>> Rubicon River

Second Triumvirate 1. Octavian - Caesar's great-nephew and his chosen heir 2. Mark Antony - Caesar's ally and assistant (Cleopatra's love interest) 3. Lepidus - Commander of Caesar's cavalry

Second Triumvirate Soon, it was only Octavian and Antony fighting for power Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra's navy and they fled to Egypt where they committed suicide

22 ROMAN EMPIRE He called himself the “First Citizen”
The Beginning of the Roman Empire Augustus means: Revered One He called himself the “First Citizen” In 27BCE the Roman Senate gave Octavian the new title of Augustus and also Imperator or commander in chief (Emperor comes from this Latin word) Even though he said that "The Republic as been restored," he began a new system for governing the provinces He became the Princeps Senatus or leading man of the Senate which later became the official title of the Roman emperors and gave us the word 'prince' One of his many titles Imperator, initially awarded only to victorious generals now became associated with ruler and henceforth linked to leaders of empires (emperor, empereur). Emperor Augustus Caesar

23 ROMAN EMPIRE Augustus' Reforms:
1. Emperor would choose the governors for the provinces he could choose those who would be loyal to him 2. Stabilized the frontiers 3. Expanded Rome 4. Built and re-built many temples to honor the gods and goddesses 5. Encouraged a cult of Emperor worship He was declared to be a god when he died

24 Who was the last ruler of the Roman Republic?
QUESTION Who was the last ruler of the Roman Republic? ANSWER>>> Julius Caesar

25 After the 2nd Triumvirate who did Antony fight for control of Rome?
QUESTION After the 2nd Triumvirate who did Antony fight for control of Rome? ANSWER>>> Octavian

26 From which group did the Romans borrow their style of dress?
QUESTION From which group did the Romans borrow their style of dress? ANSWER>>> Etruscans

27 In 31BCE, who did Octavian defeat the army and navy of….
QUESTION In 31BCE, who did Octavian defeat the army and navy of…. ANSWER>>> Antony and Cleopatra

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