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Bell Ringer Explain one reason why Germany might be resentful towards the rest of the world after World War 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Explain one reason why Germany might be resentful towards the rest of the world after World War 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Explain one reason why Germany might be resentful towards the rest of the world after World War 1.

2 Inflation: The general rising of prices over time
Effects for Germany Inflation: The general rising of prices over time Hyper-inflation: An extreme increase in prices over a short period of time The German reichsmark became virtually worthless


4 When trouble rears its ugly head, people need…
A Hero? A Hero!

5 American Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
Senate must approve Treaty of Versailles for it to take effect “Irreconcilables”: Senators that did not want the Treaty passed; led by Henry Cabot Lodge Article X: required the US to help a League nation if it were attacked Would entangle the US in European affairs Could take away Congress’ war powers

6 American Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
Bitter fight between Wilson and the Senate Treaty isn’t ratified and America doesn’t join the League of Nations America retreats into isolationism

7 How The War to End All Wars changed the world


9 Kellogg-Briand Pact: Outlawed war; nice idea, not gonna happen.
Forging Peace The Washington Disarmament Conference: Would limit the weapons held by each country; no method of enforcement. Kellogg-Briand Pact: Outlawed war; nice idea, not gonna happen. Dawes Plan: US gave $200M loan to Germany to spur its economy and begin paying reparations. Charles Dawes, an American banker and current VP, gave a $200 million loan from US banks would help stabilize the German economy It set a more realistic repayment plan than the German reparations plan under the Treaty of Versailles They could pay back Britain and France, who could then repay the US

10 The Dawes Plan Charles Dawes, an American banker and current VP, gave a $200 million loan from US banks would help stabilize the German economy It set a more realistic repayment plan than the German reparations plan under the Treaty of Versailles They could pay back Britain and France, who could then repay the US

11 Home Front Effects Isolationism and Conflict

12 The Red Scare Cause: Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s retreat from WWI The Red Scare: A fear of the rise of socialism, communism, and anarchists destroying the American way of life. Fearful of workers revolutions (unions) and immigrants from undemocratic countries (South and Eastern Europe). Xenophobia: An irrational or unreasoned fear of anything perceived to be foreign or strange.

13 The Red Scare Italian anarchists sent letter bombs to prominent government officials, including AG A. Mitchell Palmer Bureau of Investigation (future FBI) created to investigate bombings and other radical groups Led by J. Edgar Hoover

14 The Red Scare The Palmer Raids: A series of well-publicized and violent raids on suspected anarchists and socialist sympathizers by the Bureau of Investigation. November 7, 1919, (the 2nd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution) Many arrested, few actually deported (little to no evidence)

15 Postwar Labor Disputes
Many laborers went on strike following the end of WWI Deals under the WLB no longer valid Sought better wages, better conditions, and the ability to collectively bargain Strikes were only mildly successful; fear of Communist revolution limited their success

16 Chicago Race Riots Causes of racial tension: The Great Migration and the end of WWI Cause of the Riots: A young African American was struck by a rock and died at an informally segregated beach. The riot lasted about a week. During the riot, dozens died and hundreds were injured. Red Summer of 1919: A wave of violence and riots that occurred during the summer following WWI.

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