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What links these people?

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Presentation on theme: "What links these people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What links these people?
Conversion to Islam

2 Review and Recap - Quiz What is reason? What is revelation?
What is a religious experience? Name one way the Qur’an is used as an authority by Muslims Describe one way the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is different from all previous other Prophets? Who was Abraham/Ibrahim? What is meant by the term ‘Abrahamic Faiths’ and what are they? Name two ways in which the Qur’an and Bible are different? Who is Isa? Name one thing that Muslims do not agree about with Christians regarding Jesus? Over how many years was the Qur’an revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) What do all but one of the Surahs of the Qur’an begin with? (Bonus Point of you can get close with the Arabic!)

3 How much of Cameron’s story is mystical? Which parts are more practical?



6 Shirk: The Greatest Sin of All
In Islam, to try to compare yourself with Allah, or to claim a role that only he can do, or to deviate from the Qur’an or example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the greatest sin of all. This is called Shirk. Explain why some Muslims may consider Sufism shirk.

7 “Certainly you have known the first state of being
“Certainly you have known the first state of being. Why, then, do you not recollect (the higher/deeper reality)?” (Qur’an 56:62)

8 Is it really dangerous to deviate?
The vast majority of Sunni Muslims will not deviate from the original unchanged teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith. They reject any additional practices as Shirk. Is the dancing and singing of Sufism a legitimate revelation or a dangerous change of practice? Should Muslims only use approved ‘routes’ to Allah or should they be free to find their own?

9 Shia self-flagellation

10 Shia self-flagellation
Some Shiite Muslims commemorate the death of the Prophet’s Grandson Hussein by inflicting wounds upon themselves.

11 Islamic Mystical Experiences
Read through the hand out about Islamic Mysticism Answer the following questions: What are the benefits of such a form of devotion? Name two things a Sufi may do to experience Allah? Are there any other ways that a believer could spend their time that could please God just as much? Explain why Sufis have a more mystical approach to Islam? ‘‘The Real has now come and the false has vanished: for behold the false is bound to vanish’’ (Qur’an 17:81) – How does this verse from the Qur’an support the view that Sufism is a deviation from what Allah intended for the world? ‘‘Name is a veil over essence’’ (Muhammad Naffari) How does this quote from a Sufi poet support their practices? RED QUESTIONS ARE DIFFICULT - GIVE THEM A GO

12 Revelation or circumstance?

13 Homework Research Muhammad’s (PBUH) Night Journey.
Produce a Mind Map that you can easily explain to other people in the group Some useful links etc will be posted on the blog 14th December

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