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What would life on another planet look like? Could it even exist?

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Presentation on theme: "What would life on another planet look like? Could it even exist?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What would life on another planet look like? Could it even exist?
Project: Done in groups: find groups out tomorrow Due Friday Oct 27th (about 3 weeks) Check points as we go The rubric is to help guide you

2 What does it mean to be “alive”?
What does that look like here on earth? What is the smallest form of life?

3 Cells Pre-test NO it is not a grade. YES you should try your best.
WE ARE DOING THIS SO… YOU know where you stand now on what you need to know YOU can see growth in your learning I can see what we need to review and what we can skip

4 Start a new section in your spiral titled CELLS

5 The Cell Theory: 1. All living things are made of one or more cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function. 3. All cells come from preexisting (other) cells. Where did your cells come from? Smallest thing that can perform all characteristics of life! Metabolism Homeostasis Respond to Stimulus Made of Cells Has DNA/can reproduce

6 There are two types of cells on earth.
Simple Cells Complex Cells

7 Cellular Evolution: Draw this timeline How has the cell changed over time?

8 If this timeline holds true for the evolution of all cells…
What type of cells/ organisms would you find on a planet that is: .5 billion yrs old? 1 billion yrs old? 2 billion yrs old? 3 billon yrs old? 4 billion yrs old

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