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Transforming Planning: More than meets the I(R)

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Planning: More than meets the I(R)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Planning: More than meets the I(R)
Peter dwight & DAVID J. COLLEY

2 Integrated Planning @ PCC
Integrated Planning Retreat Annual Updates Prioritization Process Budget Retreat Tentative Budget Feedback Loop


4 Annual Update overview
Part Program Review, Part Annual Plan (Look Back, then Look Forward) Pre-loaded Data Sets for Analysis and Evaluation Templates for Instructional Programs and Non-Instructional Offices

5 African American Success Rate 2015-16: 54.5%
Hispanic Success Rate : 61.2% Overall Success Rate : 68.2%

6 So many… Humanities AA and Social & Behavioral Sci AA?
Applied / Liberal Arts Studies AS

7 Actual (End Term) Enrollment
Census Enrollment Vs. Actual (End Term) Enrollment

8 FTES, FTEF, S/F Ratio, Faculty Assignments (Adjunct, Fulltime, Overload)

9 Action Plan Structure based on Campus-Wide Integrated Plan Initiatives Derived from Educational Master Plan 1. Student Success, Equity and Access 2. Campus Culture 3. External Relations and Accountability Action Items: Priority Number Action Item Details and Justification Implementation Plan (timeline) Key/Responsible Personnel Category Budget Approval/Request Amount All Resource Requests Compiled into a Budget Priority Master List

10 Campus-wide rubrics used for prioritization
Rubric Criteria: Operational Necessity Use of Data Review Response Impact Innovation and Growth

11 - Division Level - Subject Level - Enrollment - FTES - FTEF - S/F Ratio Faculty Assignments - Adjunct - Fulltime - Overload

12 Assignment, Term Contact Hours,
Workload (Instructional, Non-Instr), FTEF

13 Section Level

14 Instructor Level

15 Projected Costs for Current Term, Future Terms, and Previous Term Costs. All Levels.

16 (Faculty, Staff, Managers)
Cycle Launch and Prioritization Process: Deans/ Managers Facilities Requests Personnel/Equipment/Supplies Faculty/Staff Planning Retreat ANNUAL UPDATES (Faculty, Staff, Managers) BUDGET RETREAT Admin Facilities/ITS

17 Questions?

18 Thank you !

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