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English 10.1 Vocabulary This collection of words can be found in Liam o’flaherty’s “The Sniper”.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10.1 Vocabulary This collection of words can be found in Liam o’flaherty’s “The Sniper”."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 10.1 Vocabulary This collection of words can be found in Liam o’flaherty’s “The Sniper”.

2 Copy these words and their definitions into your Interactive Notebook under Visual Dictionary
ascetic (adj)- extremely self-disciplined and severe beleaguered (adj)- under attack, surrounded with military forces envelope(d) (v)- to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; (adj) covered; wrapped Fanatic (n)- a person who supports a cause or pursues an interest with extreme enthusiasm gibber(v)- to speak rapidly and incoherently gleam(n)- a small bright light; a trace of emotion expressed through the eyes

3 Copy these words and their definitions into your Interactive Notebook under Visual Dictionary
lodge (v)- to become embedded or stuck parapet (n)- a low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony paroxysm (n)- a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease); a sudden violent emotion or action recoil (v)- to spring back; to draw back (n) the jerking back of a gun when it is fired reel (v)- to fall off balance; lurch remorse (n)- bitter regret; a strong feeling of sadness or guilt for having done something wrong

4 Copy these words and their definitions into your Interactive Notebook under Visual Dictionary
ruse (n)- an action designed to confuse or mislead, a trick spasmodically (adv)- at irregular intervals; intermittently tattered (adj)- torn, old, and in generally poor condition; in tatters turret (n)- a self-contained weapons platform housing guns and capable of rotation

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