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Section 1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality

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1 Section 1 Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality
Chapter 23 Section Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality

2 Latino Presence Grows 1960’s- over 9 million Latinos in U.S.
Faced discrimination in housing, jobs Many lived in barrios High rates of unemployment and poverty

3 Latinos Fight for Change
1962 – Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez organize United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) 1965 boycott of California grapes leads to higher wages and benefits

4 Cultural Pride 1968 Bilingual Education Act provides funds for schools to develop bilingual and cultural heritage programs for non-English speaking children Chicano 1968 walkout of East Los Angeles high schools demanding smaller class sizes, Chicano teachers, and programs to reach probable drop outs

5 Political Power LULAC- league of united Latin American citizens fights segregation and discrimination La Raza United- promotes Latino political candidates

6 Native Americans Struggle for Equality
1961- representatives of 61 Native American tribes draft the Declaration of Indian Purpose Called for new government policies which create economic opportunities 1968 LBJ establishes National Council on Indian Opportunity

7 Voices of Protest 1968 American Indian Movement (AIM)- protect rights of Native Americans Restore land rights, burial grounds Protect timber and fishing rights Respect for culture

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