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Welcome to Year 3’s Reading Curriculum Evening Miss Barron Mrs. Topley

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3’s Reading Curriculum Evening Miss Barron Mrs. Topley"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3’s Reading Curriculum Evening Miss Barron Mrs. Topley
End of Year Expectation #2: Read books that are structured in different ways (comics, poetry, plays) and reading for a range of purposes

2 Our Aims: Investigate different ways to read
Play scripts, comics, newspapers, fiction/non-fiction, films, news Explore expression when reading Making reading enjoyable at home

3 Background in Reading By the end of Year 3, we aim for all children to fully achieve all of the EoYE Here are a variety of ways in which you can support them

4 Make Reading Fun Create a Reading area for your child. Some ideas are:
Make them want to go to the area to read! Some ideas are: Curtains Tents

5 Make Reading Fun Create a Reading area for your child. Some ideas are:
Make them want to go to the area to read! Some ideas are: Reading Lamps

6 Make Reading Fun Create a Reading area for your child. Some ideas are:
Make them want to go to the area to read! Some ideas are:

7 Misconceptions in Reading
“Low reading ability equates to low intelligence.” “Fast readers are higher ability readers” “If you don’t know the word, look it up in the dictionary”

8 Different Books This session will be set up as a carousel of activities in which you will be given the opportunity to engage with a variety of activities which can be used with your children

9 Activity 1: Play scripts and Novels
Must Should Could Be able to identify who the author is. Be able to read and spell a 100 HFW (who, how, there, their) Identify the actions of the characters in the story. Have a vocabulary to describe the feelings of a character. Know that speech marks indicate a change of expression. Take note of punctuation marks when reading. (.,! ‘’ ?) Give an short oral summary of a page/ paragraph they have read. Vary intonation and expression when reading aloud. Work as part of a group to perform a play script Identify words and phrases that are used to capture the reader attention. Make inferences about character feelings based on their actions. Create your own play script Activity: convert extract into a playscript. Activity: Convert the extract on the table into a play script. Don’t forget to include all the features of a play script!

10 Activity 2: Comic books and Sports
Must Should Could Read picture story books Identify which speech/ thought bubble is associated with which character. Be able to follow the direction of pictures in a comic book. Understand the difference between thought and speech bubbles Can recognise and think of onomatopoeia's Re-tell a story using comic book strips. Create their own comic strips including thought and speech bubbles Activity: Fill in the blank bubbles on your comic strip.

11 Activity 3: Newspapers Must Should Could Give an oral summary of a page/ paragraph they have read. Identify headings and subheadings. Identify where text has been printed differently. To be able to summarise using bullet points. Know how to use subheadings to find information. Use a highlighter to identify key information. Create catch headlines Create a newspaper article including its features. Confidently use language features (bold, italics) to enhance the meaning of their own texts or posters. Activity: Complete any of the activities in the First News papers.

12 Activity 4: Studying for Reading (research)
Must Should Could Retell fairy tales, traditional tales, myths and legend Be able to copy down sentences in bullet points Identify words which might need spellings checked Look up words in a thesaurus to find a replacement word Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination. Use an encyclopaedia for research Being able to confidently use the internet for research Identify whether words are nouns, adjectives or verbs Use the contents/index pages Activity: Find 3 facts about a topic you did not know before. Write it in bullet point format.

13 Activity 5: Electronics
We have moved on to an era where electronics is a part of our daily life. How could we include this aspect of life to aid in children's reading? Tablets – Read articles and e-books Mobile phones – Read text messages Audio books – New upcoming way of engaging in books. It can be a great tool that allows children to listen to books being read with expression and enthusiasm. Films/TV shows – Put the subtitles on in order for children to see the word while the actors are speaking

14 Book List for Year 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
Matilda, Roald Dahl The Twits, Roald Dahl Fantastic Mr. Fox, Roald Dahl The BFG, Roald Dahl Born to Run, Michael Morpurgo The Butterfly Lion, Michael Morpurgo Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie Gangsta Granny, David Wallaims Billionaire Boy, David Wallaims Mr. Stink, David Wallaims Please Mrs. Butler, Allan Ahlberg Charlotte’s Web, E. B. White Flat Stanley, Jeff Brown Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, J. K. Rowling My Big Cat Journal, Steve Bloom Ants, Susan Barraclough Think of an Eel, Karen Wallace

15 Questions?

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