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Welcome to Intermediate Grammar Summer 2015!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Intermediate Grammar Summer 2015!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Intermediate Grammar Summer 2015!

2 Professor Lori Rottenberg
B.A. Creative Writing M.A. Linguistics and Teaching ESL Taught ESL at VT and GMU, including weekly grammar clinics 20 years as professional writer and editor, continue to publish poetry Visiting poet for Arlington Public Schools since 2007

3 Introductions Find a partner and ask each other the questions on your sheet. Be ready to share what you learn with your classmates.

4 Goals of the Class Improve your spoken grammar.
Improve your written grammar.

5 You can’t build a house without bricks!
Grammar Language  Proficiency

6 Without Good Grammar… Speaking English will be hard for you.
Reading English will be hard for you. Writing English will be hard for you. You will not be seen as intelligent as you really are.

7 Syllabus Course Goals Course Objectives Course Activities
Course Textbooks and Online Materials Course Evaluation and Grading Course Policies Course Schedule

8 Course Activities Daily in-class exercises, writing, and speaking
Weekly online homework—Due on quiz days Weekly journals—Due every Friday Quizzes Final Evaluation Project Final Exam Daily questions—Brought by you!!!

9 How to Do Well in This Class
Come to class, on time and ready to work. Pay attention in class, ask questions, and contribute to class discussions and small groups. Do all your homework—yourself! Incorporate new grammar into your journals and other writing. Spend time outside of class reading and writing in English EVERY DAY.

10 How to Do Poorly in This Class
Skip class or come late. Check your phone and during class. Do reading or writing assignments at the last minute or not at all. Blow off journals and on-line homework. Goof around during small-group work. Read and write only in your native language outside class—expect class to do it all for you.

11 Ways to Get Help See me during office hours.
Attend every class and extra workshop you can! Read and listen in English as much as you can!

12 Reading Rocks! “A large amount of research has shown that one criterion – vocabulary – is most difficult…The most common problem IELTS candidates have is that their vocabulary is limited. It is boring, repetitive, childish, or inaccurate. Perhaps the tone of their language is also inappropriate. Essentially this is due to their not ever reading much in English. Reading exposes you to vocabulary most quickly.” (Sorrenson, 2012, p.8)

13 My Model for Learning… No! Yes!
I shine the flashlight to guide your way, but only YOU can walk the path.

14 Homework Buy textbooks from the bookstore:
Grammar and Beyond 3, with online component Read syllabus in detail and return signed contract to me. Journals (at least 10 sentences): Due Friday

15 I’m looking forward to a great semester!

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