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Learning to build Europe Danielle Bossaert, Michael Kaeding

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1 Learning to build Europe Danielle Bossaert, Michael Kaeding
Title: Differences in the Field of Social Dialogue in Central Public Administrations of the EU Member States Danielle Bossaert, Michael Kaeding

2 Aims of the Survey Commissioned by the Swedish Presidency
Follow-up of the comparative analysis of the social dialogue (SD) in the central public administrations of the EU Member States carried out under the French Presidency A more in-depth analysis of differences of selected SD systems across the European Union A focus on differences as regards employment and management systems in which the SD takes place in selected EU Member States

3 Methodology of the Survey
Focus of the comparative survey on 4 selected EU Member States (Finland, Italy, Germany, Poland) The 4 selected EU Member States reflect a fair selection of the different administrative systems and cultures The survey will be based on studies and comparative surveys from EIPA, OECD and EGPA as well as on interviews with national experts in the field of social dialogue

4 Added-Value of the Survey in the Context of EUPAN
In the context of the EUPAN test phase of the social dialogue, the survey aims: To raise the awareness for the great variety of SD practices in central public administrations To enhance the understanding of differences as regards the functioning of SD in selected EU Member States To enhance the understanding of different logics/attitudes/behaviours in the field of SD within EUPAN

5 Key Points to Analyze 1. Analysis of different legal and administrative/management contexts, in which the SD takes place in selected EU MS 2. Analysis of different structural and organizational patterns of SD 3. Analysis of different practices of SD

6 Key Points to Analyze 1. Analysis of different legal and administrative/management contexts, in which the SD takes place in selected EU MS Major differences as regards the employment relationships between the State employer and public employees and their impact on the practice of SD (statutory; contractual – differences between public/private employment relationships) Major differences as regards the management of personnel/human resources and its relevance for the social dialogue (centralization/decentralization of HRM; the involvement of line ministers; the role of the personnel/HRdepartments: administrative or strategic HRM?)

7 Key Points to Analyze 2. Analysis of different structural and organizational patterns of SD Major differences as regards the structure of the social dialogue (centralized/decentralized; unified/fragmented); the major actors involved (political/administrative/technical) on the employers’ side as well as regards the organizational capacity (expertise, number of staff) of the major actor.

8 3. Analysis of different practices of SD
Key Points to Analyze 3. Analysis of different practices of SD Major differences as regards the most important topics of bargaining; major differences as regards the legal character of the results of collective bargaining and as regards the competencies of the different actors

9 Hypotheses It is assumed
- that differences which are linked to the nature and content of the employment relationship(s) between the State employer and the public employee as well as to the management of personnel/HR have an impact on the significance, organization, content and outcome of the SD in the different countries. - that the SD is characterized in those countries, which have introduced a contractual employment relationship, a decentralized, strategic HRM approach as well as in general far reaching reforms in the field of HRM, by its high significance, its broad scope and by considerable similarities with the practice prevalent in the private sector. - that the SD is very similiar in the public and in the private sector in those countries, in which labour law and civil service law are fundamentally similar. - that there is a slow, but steady trend towards a moderated decentralization and privatization of the social dialogue in the selected case studies.

10 Outlook Presentation of the final survey at the EUPAN/HRWG meeting in Malmö, November 2009 Presentation at the DG meeting in Stockholm, December 2009 Update/validation of the country factsheets on the Social Dialogue finalized under the French Presidency


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