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Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

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1 Welcome to 8th Grade Science!
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

2 All About Me…. My husband and I moved here from NC in December with our 2 beagles (Abbie & Nikki). I earned my Bachelor degree in Life Science from Guilford College, my Secondary Science Education degree from UNC-G, and my Masters degree in Executive Leadership along with my Principal Endorsement from Gardner-Webb University. This will be my 14th year teaching, and I was an Administrative Intern for three years in NC. I love spending time with family and friends, and my hobbies are: running, cycling, swimming, hiking, and going for long walks. Basically, I just like to be outside.

3 What time do we get out of here?
Our Daily Schedule Exploratory :45 - 9:30 Specials : :15 Period : :15 Period : :15 Period 5/RTI :15 – 12:40 Lunch :35 - 1:05 Period :10 - 2:10 Intervention 2:10 - 2:30 Period :30 - 3:30 What time do we get out of here?

4 Science Curriculum 1st quarter: Diversity, Adaptations & Behavior 2nd quarter: Cell Division & Genetics 3rd quarter: Properties/Changes in Matter & The Periodic Table 4th quarter: Motion & Forces

5 Grades 25% *Classwork *Science Notebook
70% *Tests *Quizzes *Projects *Presentations 5% *Homework

6 Quarterly Projects There will be one project assigned each quarter.
These projects are to be completed outside of the classroom. Students are given approximately one month to complete the project. The projects will count as a test grade. Because of this timeline, I do not accept any late projects!!

7 Dress Code for Science Bare feet are never acceptable. In the interest of safety, shoes must be worn at all times. Closed shoes are to be worn for ALL Lab Experiments unless otherwise noted by the teacher. All other lab safety dress code requirements can be found on the signed Lab Safety Contract.

8 Electronic Devices * As a general rule I do NOT allow the use of electronic devices during class. * Sometimes students will need to use their phone in class. Ex: using the stop watch function for timing an experiment. * However, as a reward I will periodically allow students to listen to music with ear buds, if they are working quietly.

9 Classroom Management General Rule: Warning > Conversation with student after class > Call home > Lunch Detention > After school Detention > Have a Parent/Teacher/Student Conference > Office Referral Every infraction is different Ex. Gum v. Defiance Detentions are held after school. A form will go home for parent signature If a student is interfering with the learning of other students, they may be asked to leave the room and fill out a ‘Think Sheet’. This will go home for a parent signature.

10 Redo’s and Retakes Retakes on quizzes and tests are not offered across the board. If a student has been seeking tutoring/extra help, has no missing assignments, and has been putting forth their best effort in class a test/quiz correction option may be offered. This is on a case by case basis and is completely up to individual teacher discretion. If a test/quiz correction has been offered to a student, there will be a one week time limit to turn that in for re-grading. Late work is accepted before the end of a unit. It will receive a 10% reduction from the earned grade.

11 YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK Your Science Notebook will increase your understanding of science by: * improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a  study reference for each unit, as well as a resource to consult for review for tests, 8th grade science, and even in high school as you sequence into Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. * demonstrating to your teacher and parents you’re developing organizational skills, understanding of science concepts and ability to express thoughts and feelings in a variety of ways. * 2” - 3” inch three ring binder, with loose leaf paper and dividers. The dividers will be for notes, classwork/handouts, Labs, and homework. Bring to class each day.

12 Typical Assignments Teacher Notes
Classwork from Discovery Ed. Science Tech-book- reinforces lesson Scientific Inquiry group activities Interactive WebQuest/computer lab assignments Group/table/partner work Performing & designing lab experiments

Once you have viewed your child's Virtual Curriculum Night presentation, please complete the following survey to confirm you participation. Thank you for visiting my virtual 8th grade science curriculum presentation. Warm Regards, Diana Burdzy

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