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Heth on Day One – lost the high ground- 2

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Presentation on theme: "Heth on Day One – lost the high ground- 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 36. 1. Heth on Day One – lost the high ground- 2
Heth on Day One – lost the high ground- 2. Longstreet’s failed march 3. Pickett’s Charge 37. Gettysburg 38. Economic differences – slavery and cotton in the south 39. Bull Run showed that the war would NOT be quick 40. Cautious 41. Secession of SC and 6 other states 42. Industrial, more farmland, RR, Foreign trade, Gold – MORE population 43. Opposite of above – martial (military tradition) better officers (Jackson and Lee), Morale and knowledge of the land 44. States rights – 45. Sherman 46. Liberator – Garrison and North Star was Douglass 47. Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg,Vicksburg 48. Confederate Prison in Georgia for Union troops – see below 49. “new birth of freedom” “unfinished work to end slavery – pay respect to the sacrifice of soldiers 50. Grant attacking Lee from May 1864 – December 1864 – siege at Petersburg – end of the war

2 Andersonville Draft Riots Medicine
Homefront Andersonville Draft Riots Medicine



5 Andersonville Confederate Prison - Wirz Prisoner Exchanges
Northern Prison – Elmira Death Rate – Held 45,000/13,000 Dead Disease Georgia - 4:00 Trailer – 1:00 Fresh Fish – Welcome to Andersonville – 3:00 Death before dishonor – 3:00

6 Civil War Medicine 3:08


8 Draft Riots July 1863 Crowded City, Gangs based on neighborhood, Poverty, Race. Class Struggle – 300 dollar man African Americans Over 100 Killed -3:56 Gangs of NY – 4:00

9 The Outcome of the Battle of Antietam 1
The Outcome of the Battle of Antietam 1. encouraged foreign intervention 2. led to the emancipation proclamation 3. was a victory for Lee 4. led to the reinstatement of McClellan Which of the following was Julia Ward Howe’s contribution to Civil War history? 1. she was a battlefield nurse 2. she wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin 3. She wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic 4. She was Abraham Lincoln’s mistress

10 Which battles are in the correct chronological order?
1. Bull Run, Gettysburg, Petersburg, Vicksburg 2. Battle of New Orleans, Shiloh, Bull Run, Chattanooga 3. Bull Run, Shiloh, Antietam, Gettysburg 4. Shiloh, Bull Run, New Orleans, Vicksburg Robert E. Lee took over command of the Army of Northern Virginia after which Union Campaign: The Anaconda Campaign The Valley Campaign The Peninsular Campaign The Atlanta Campaign

11 Which general did not command the Army of the Potomac?
1. Joseph Hooker 2. Ambrose Burnside 3. George Meade 4. Joshua Chamberlain After which early Union victory did Ulysses S. Grant grab national attention? 1. Fort Henry and Fort Donelson 2. Shiloh 3. Vicksburg 4. Gettysburg At which fortification did the Massachusetts 54th suffer massive losses demonstrating their skill and commitment to the cause 1. Fort Donelson 2. Fort Pillow 3. Fort Sumter 4. Fort Wagner  

12 Which two leaders were considered to be the most well known and skilled cavalry officers in the Confederacy? Forrest and Stuart 2. Stuart and Jackson Lee and Longstreet 4. Forrest and Johnston By far Stonewall Jackson’s finest moments were demonstrated during 1. Second Bull Run 2. The Atlanta Campaign 3. The Valley Campaign Fredericksburg At which battle was Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded? Chancellorsville Second Bull Run 4. Bull Run

13 The average Civil War rifle could shoot about as far as 1. 500 feet
yards yards yards Over 100 people were killed in 1863 in New York City as a result of 1. Violent Riots A massive fire 3. cholera epidemic 4. Friendly fire Which of the following objectives did the North accomplish last during the Civil War? 1. splitting the Confederacy by gaining control of the Mississippi River 2. blockading southern ports 3. capturing of Richmond 4. isolating the south diplomatically, preventing an alliance with a foreign power.

14 Which best reflects that reality of Civil War medicine?
1. relatively few deaths from disease and sickness 2. the development of internal surgery procedures 3. conditions and treatment grew progressively worse as the war continued 4. large numbers of battlefield amputations were performed This Union General, also known as “spoons”, gained national attention for his harsh treatment of the people of New Orleans? 1. Benjamin Butler 2. Admiral Farragut 3. Ulysses S. Grant 4. Joshua Laurence Chamberlain The Union Army’s capture of ____________________ was probably critical to Lincoln’s reelection in 1864. 1. Atlanta 2. Vicksburg 3. Charleston 4. Petersburg

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