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Chakra Workshop #3: The Heart Chakra

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1 Chakra Workshop #3: The Heart Chakra
While we wait for everybody to come in, please take a chakra coloring sheet from the back and start coloring! This will help you start visualizing the chakra.

2 What is a Chakra? The word Chakra translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head.

3 Heart Chakra Symbol Name: Anahata Color: Green
Symbol: A Lotus Flower with 12 petals

4 Heart – 4th Chakra Located at the heart Related to air Social Identity
Balance Self-Acceptance Compassion Healing Where opposites meet in the mind Mind & Body Persona & Shadow Ego & Unity

5 Effects of Imbalances The heart chakra controls: Circulatory System
Thymus Gland It is connected to : Heart Upper Back Breasts Lungs Blood Air Circulation A blockage of this chakra can lead to: Loneliness Sense of Alienation Asthma Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Lung Disease Upper Back/Should/Arm/Wrist Pain

6 Opening & Balancing This chakra’s purpose is to become open to love and compassion, both to yourself and those around you. Tell those you love that you love them Watch a romantic movie Read a love story Take time for deep breathing Be with nature Selfless love activates this chakra.

7 Aromatherapy Essential oils Lavender Rosemary Rose Bergamot Inhalation
Diffuser Steam inhalation Spray Inhaling a drop or two of an essential oil on a cotton ball Topical Use Bath or shower Massage Always dilute the oil when using on the skin and be careful not to use too much

8 Healing Crystals How to use: Crystals Pick the right crystal
Recharge its energy Set your intention Work with the crystal daily Crystals Green Jade Emerald Aventurine

9 Healing Foods All green colored foods including: Kale Spinach Celery
Broccoli Green Peppers Green Tea

10 Yoga Poses Cat Cow Pose Cobra Pose

11 Affirmations + Mantra Envision the color green glowing between the naval and the heart. “I completely love and accept myself.” “I give and receive love unconditionally.” Mantra Repeat “YAM” seven times.

12 Centering Exercise Become aware of your breathing Become aware of the rise and fall of your chest Do not force your breath, just observe it Inhale deeply, exhale slowly Draw out your exhale With every inhalation become more and more relaxed With every exhalation, go deeper Imagine a pure green light radiating from your heart It fills you with love The feeling of love spreads throughout your body Let it radiate outward into the universe You are appreciated You are loved You do not need to do anything to be anything and what you are right now An almost overwhelming positive sound vibrates throughout your body Allow the powerful and joyful love to flow freely through you Know that you are an infinite being of light Know that you are a being of pure love

13 Sound Therapy Sound healing, also known as vibrational medicine is the the practice employs the vibrations of the human voice as well as objects that resonate such as tuning forks, gongs, and Tibetan singing bowls. This form of alternative medicine is used for relaxation and to stimulate healing.

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