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French and Indian War.

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Presentation on theme: "French and Indian War."— Presentation transcript:

1 French and Indian War

2 Summarize essay into 3-4 sentences
Do Now: Read background essay Summarize essay into 3-4 sentences


4 French and Indian War 1754-1763 Fought between:
British/Iroquois vs French/Huron

5 French and Indian War Called the “7 Years War” in Europe British win

6 General George Washington

7 British Win

8 Pgs

9 Do Now (Doc 1) What does this illustration show? What does this illustration indicate about the Revolution?

10 Why was the Ohio River Valley significant to the start of the French and Indian War?
Both Britain and France claimed this territory. France started building forts there, the British invaded.

11 Who was the French and Indian War fought between
Who was the French and Indian War fought between? Why was it called the French and Indian War? 1. British and French 2. Named from the British perspective

12 What was the purpose of the Albany Congress?
To unite the colonies for mutual protection

13 Why was the Albany Congress not effective?
The colonies didn’t actually want to help each other, they all wanted to stay independent

14 What land did Britain gain after the war?
All French possessions east of the MS River Spanish Florida

15 What land did France lose after the war?
All their North American possessions

16 Why did the British end the policy of salutary neglect towards the colonists after the French and Indian War? They wanted to have more control over them, wanted them to pay taxes to pay for the war

17 Why did the British begin to tax the colonists after the French and Indian War?
Believed the colonists should pay them back for the defense in the French and Indian War

18 Describe the Native American motivations behind Pontiac’s Rebellion
British colonists were moving onto their land and not offering compensation

19 What was the Proclamation Line of 1763? What was its purpose?
The British government said colonists were not allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains Purpose was to decrease Indian-colonial conflicts

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