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American History I - Unit 1 Ms. Brown

2 Review What characteristics of Pennsylvania separate it from other English colonies? Georgia was established in 1732 as a colony for: How were the economies of the New England colonies and Southern colonies different? What was the Middle Passage?

3 Review What characteristics of Pennsylvania separate it from other English colonies? Guaranteed every man land and voting rights Practiced religious freedom Had friendly relations with natives (pacifists) Georgia was established in 1732 as a colony for: Debtors, criminals How were the economies of the New England colonies and Southern colonies different? New England – relied on merchants and business Southern – relied on agriculture What was the Middle Passage? Voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to North America, many Africans died during the journey

AH1.H.4.1: Analyze the political issues and conflicts that impacted the US through Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted. AH1.H.4.2: Analyze the economic issues and conflicts that impacted the US through Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted. AH1.H.6.1: Explain how national economic and political interests helped set the direction of US foreign policy

5 Mercantilism an economic practice in which a nation is entirely self-sufficient economically. Free from reliance on trade with other countries Required countries to practice bullionism – the saving and building up of gold and silver The colonies existed in part to provide goods and raw materials to Great Britain (GB), and ONLY GB. Did not produce goods that would be in competition with British goods. Colonists also only bought British goods.

6 Favorable balance of trade
Mercantilism Colonies are GREAT for business! Bullionism Favorable balance of trade Self-sufficient

7 The colonies can export certain items ONLY to GB.
Navigation Acts Mid 1600s – American merchants trading with Spanish, Dutch, and French traders → GB NOT happy. Parliament – Great Britain’s legislative body Passed the Navigation Acts – a series of laws restricting colonial trade No country can trade with colonies unless the goods are shipped in either colonial or British ships. All ships must be operated by crews that are at least ¾ British or colonial. The colonies can export certain items ONLY to GB. Almost all goods traded between the colonies and Europe must pass through a British port first.

8 Navigation Acts Navigation Acts promoted mercantilism
Colonies produced goods mainly for GB, thus GB did not have to buy resources/goods from other European countries Other European countries still bought exports from GB → $$$ and bullionism!

9 Reactions to Navigation Acts

10 Royal Control of Massachusetts
GB did little to stop illegal trading for years, until it became apparent that the colonies, especially Massachusetts, were becoming too independent 1684 – King Charles II revoked the charter of Massachusetts and placed the colony under strict royal control Combined New England colonies into 1 colony with 1 ruler – the Dominion of New England

11 Dominion of New England
King James II received thrown from King Charles II in 1685 King James II appointed Sir Edmund Andros to rule the Dominion of New England Questioned the lawfulness of Puritanism Strictly enforced Navigation Acts Restricted local meetings Set heavy taxes without local input Colonies sent influential minister, Increase Mather, to London to try to persuade Parliament to lessen control.

12 Glorious Revolution King James II was not popular
Colonists disliked him for the royal control and Andros Englishmen disliked him because he was Roman Catholic with little respect for Protestantism and the Church of England AND he overruled Parliament King James II had a son → possibility of Catholic heir to the throne

13 Glorious Revolution Parliament invited William of Orange (Dutch) to England William’s wife was Mary, James II’s Protestant daughter William brought army from Netherlands→ James II fled Glorious Revolution – 1688 Parliament offered royal throne to William and Mary (Protestant rulers) Parliament passed laws that gave it power over the monarchy

14 Colonies React to Glorious Revolution
Colonists arrested Andros and his officials Parliament restored Massachusetts’s charter (no more Dominion of New England) King appointed a royal governor Required more religious tolerance of non- Puritans Required more non-Puritan representation in colonial assemblies No longer allowed to prosecute and discriminate against Anglicans (members of the Church of England) or Quakers

15 Review of British Rulers’ Colonial Policies
William & Mary ( ) - Glorious Revolution puts them in power Established Parliament’s supremacy Dissolved Dominion of NE and restored MA’s charter Charles II ( ) - angered by MA’s disobedience of Nav. Acts - Revoked MA’s charter and placed MA under royal control James II ( ) - created Dominion of NE Placed Andros in control Not popular with anyone

16 Salutary Neglect 1688 – GB in economic competition with France → turns attention away from colonies Salutary neglect – 1690s- 1760s, English policy of relaxing the enforcement of regulations in its colonies in return for the colonies’ continued economic loyalty As long as colonies provide raw materials/goods to GB AND colonists bought British goods → Parliament wouldn’t supervise closely Colonies prosper!

17 Taste of Independence Every colony ruled by a Royal Governor → paid by colonial assemblies NOT Parliament Colonists used their monetary influence to persuade the governors to act in their favor (laws, judges, taxes, etc) Salutary neglect hinged on colonial loyalty to GB Keep $$$ going into England through raw materials AND buying English goods Colonial industries in the North (lumber, shipbuilding) and South (tobacco, cotton) grow in the 1700s → economic interests outside of GB → GB cracks down!


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