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WELCOME TO MIDHURST ROTHER COLLEGE Getting Started in Computer Science

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1 WELCOME TO MIDHURST ROTHER COLLEGE Getting Started in Computer Science

2 House Rules... In addition to normal class rules, please...
Turn completely round to face the teacher when asked. Leave the room how you found it, tidy! (Keyboards and mouse placed on top of monitor, chairs tucked in...) No damage to the computers.

3 Computer Science The department is very small with only two teachers. Mr Chandler & Mr Downie. Just like the industry, the subject is constantly being updated and evolved. You will be beginning a two year course that will best prepare you for the new Computer Science GCSE. Lesson 2

4 In Year 7... You will be taught the following units of work:
The Past, Present & Future of Computing. Computer Hardware. Data Representation. Computer Game Design. Networking & System Security. Creating a Website: HTML & CSS. Lesson 2

5 Expectations... For each unit of work, you may be expected to evidence the following: OneNote Workbook. Project Piece (for example, a presentation or creative product). End of Unit Assessment. Work Printed and Placed in File.

6 ADMIN TASK 1... Collect a folder and a label.
Stick the label on the front of the folder. Write your name, class number, teacher and subject.

7 ADMIN TASK 2... Login Computer. Username is for example: 17dadownie
Password: Passw0rd Change the password to a strong password. Question: How do we make a strong password?

8 ADMIN TASK 3... Login to 365 Open Google Chrome.
Go to: Login, your address: Your password is the one you used to login the computer. Use Mail to check your . Discuss: What else can you use 365 for?

9 ADMIN TASK 4... Open OneNote. Open your Class Notebook.
Add a notebook for Computer Science. Add a new section called ‘Past, Present and Future.’

10 Rother-Net... For this department we have set up a website that can be accessed from school and home. All the computer science lessons can be found online at this website, including the teacher presentations. Discuss: How could this benefit you?

11 ADMIN TASK 5... Open Google Chrome. Go to:
Password: Mrc_1672 Explore the website.

12 BASELINE ASSESSMENT Go to D0asCx3EsIlaxQ73qMX4JG9Ngq2Pu9J3eatURFUwTDNERFZDQzN JWlZNTTYxTFlIUVRRNS4u Complete the KS3 Baseline Test. Do not worry if you don’t know any of the answers! Baseline tests are needed to make sure you make progress throughout KS3. You will take tests throughout and at the end of KS3 and you should be able to show you have made significant progress!

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