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Spanish 120, 110, and 111, Elementary Spanish I

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1 Spanish 120, 110, and 111, Elementary Spanish I
Online Orientation Professor: María L. Villagómez Contact Information: Office: BLDG (1031U) Telephone#: Instructor Web site:

2 REQUIRED Texts and materials:
*VISTAS: Introducción a la lengua española, Fourth Edition by Blanco-Donley You will also need: A combination head-set and microphone. You can find this at Target.

3 REQUIRED Texts and materials:
You will need 1 passcode: It is in a manila envelope and comes with your purchase. If you purchased the text online, the code should have been ed to you. This code will grant you access to the site that we will use this semester as our course platform which gives you access to homework, announcements, activities, exams, etc… We will NOT be using blackboard.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Engage in basic, two-way oral and written exchanges Read, comprehend, and write basic Spanish Begin to recognize the various Hispanic Cultures

This course requires at least 4-6 hours per week in assignments. You will be assigned to read, study or work on some exercises as part of your regular homework. Visit the Vistas Supersite frequently and read/do the assigned material by the deadline. Make sure to read the instructor’s s, announcements. Sample image from the Vistas Student Supersite

Participants enrolled in this course should continually monitor their learning, evaluating their own efforts, and actively seek help when needed in a timely manner. You will need to assume an active role in the learning process; ask questions, view all power points, and complete ALL assignments.

7 HOMEWORK Check your “Tentative Schedule” daily and complete the appropriate exercises in your WEB-SAM as they are an essential component of the program. It is your responsibility –and extremely advisable - to complete the exercises concurrently with daily class preparation instead of “cramming” it all the night before they are due. Full credit will be awarded only if you have completed all the assigned exercises. Check the tentative schedule and the vistas site for homework due dates. No late work will be accepted. Please note that homework is due by 9:00 p.m. No late work will be accepted. Please see attachment for instructions on how to set up your super-site account.

8 Sample image from the Vistas Student Supersite
POLICY  Sample image from the Vistas Student Supersite Each student MUST have an active account. This will be the address that is used for any communication between you and your instructor. When you send an , please put the title of this course and the topic you are writing about in the "Subject" line. Please start all messages with your full name and phone number for easy identification and communication. It is highly recommended that you copy yourself (CC) when sending an in the rare event that your message gets lost in Cyberspace.

9 CHEATING STATEMENT   Honesty and integrity are very important in higher education. To claim to have written something that is not entirely your own work is a violation of academic and personal integrity. Each homework assignment, written activity, and test should be your own work. Any violation of the items mentioned will cause you to be terminated from the course with a grade of F. Also, you will be referred to the Dean of Students Services for further disciplinary action.

10 Sample images from the Vistas Student Supersite







17 Sample recording image from the Vistas Student Supersite

18 COURSE DISCLAIMER Every attempt is made to provide a syllabus that is complete and that provides an accurate overview of the course. However, circumstances and events may make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus during the course. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and experiences of the participants.

19 Final Exam The final exam is mandatory. Should you miss it, you will receive an automatic “F” for the course. No one will be allowed to take the final exam early or late.

20 Setting up your VISTAS Supersite account and enrolling in your Instructor's course
Overview You will need to set up an account on the VISTAS Supersite, and then enroll as a registered student in your Instructor's Supersite Course. If you don’t register at the Vistas Site, you will not be able to receive any communication from your Instructor nor will you be able to access your homework. Please see Instructions attached to your syllabus.

21 Again, we will NOT be using Blackboard.
We will ONLY use Please me with any questions. ¡Hasta la vista!

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