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WISDM Activity Recognition & Biometrics Applications of Classification

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1 WISDM Activity Recognition & Biometrics Applications of Classification
WISDM = Wireless Sensor Data Mining Last modified 1/3/19

2 Both of these projects started as undergraduate research projects.
The Activity Recognition project was first; then we realized we could do biometrics using the same data.

3 What is Activity Recognition?
Identifying a user’s physical activity based on sensor data In WISDM case the mobile sensor data from the smartphone and/or smartwatch accelerometer and gyroscope How would you formulate this as a classification task? Not so obvious if you have not read the paper, since time dimension complicates things

4 What is Biometrics Identifying a subject based on some physical or behavioral characteristic Physical: fingerprint, iris, etc. In WISDM case identify using motion sensor data from smartphone/smartwatch Two classification tasks Authentication Identification Which is more typical?

5 Motion-Based Biometrics: Example
What blockbuster movie from the last 10 years featured motion-based (gait) biometrics? skip to 0:58 seconds

6 Why do We Care? Biometrics Activity recognition
Obvious: for security purposes; why better than passwords? Goal: avoid/eliminate passwords More convenient Harder to fake Activity recognition Context sensitive “smart” devices Fitness and health applications To track what we do for other purposes

7 The Data WISDM data is collected at 20 Hz from both phone and watch (Android) Timestamped sequence of numbers for each of 3 dimensions for accelerometer and gyroscope

8 Walking Data Watch Gyroscope Phone accelerometer

9 Phone Accelerometer (Jogging)

10 Phone Accelerometer (Standing)

11 WISDM Activity Recognition Studies
2010 study using only smartphones Good results, but only 6 basic activities (29 subjects) More refined studies over next few years, including impact of personal models 2017 study 18 activities and 51 test subjects Includes eating activities Sensors Evaluates accel and gyro on watch and phone (4 sensors) Evaluates 5 fused sensors

12 The 2016 Smartwatch Activities
General Activities Walking* Jogging* Climbing Stairs* Sitting* Standing* Kicking Soccer Ball General Activities (hand-oriented) Dribbling Basketball Playing Catch with Tennis Ball Typing Handwriting Clapping Brushing Teeth Folding Clothes Eating Activities (hand-oriented) Eating Pasta Eating Soup Eating Sandwich Eating Chips Drinking from a Cup * These used in the 2010 smartphone study These activities and associated data also used for biometrics study

13 Formulation as Classification
Take raw time series sensor data for non-overlapping 10 second chunks and create one example Could have used sliding window with overlap Use higher level features to describe behavior over the 10 second period This is data transformation (also aggregation) Mapping the data to a very different representation This is because most classification algorithms assume examples (record format, fixed # features) not time series data

14 High Level Features: 43 Total
Average[3]: Average acceleration (per axis) Standard Deviation[3]: SD per axis Average Absolute difference[3]: per axis Average Resultant Acceleration[3]: average of square root of sum of squares of 3 values Time Between Peaks[3] Binned Distribution[30]: For each axis take max – min value, create 10 equal sized bins, and record fraction in each bin

15 Types of Activity Recognition Models
Impersonal Models Generated using data from a panel of other users Build model based on 50 subjects and test on 51st Repeat 51 times so evaluate on every subject using all other subjects Personal Models Generated using data from the intended user. Must generate 51 models and carefully partition data for each subject Which do you think performs best?

16 Activity Recognition Results

17 2010 Study using Impersonal Model (IB3 Method)
72.4% Accuracy  Predicted Class Walking Jogging Stairs Sitting Standing Lying Down Actual Class 2209 46 789 2 4 45 1656 148 1 412 54 869 3 10 47 553 30 241 8 57 6 448 5 7 301 13 131

18 2010 Study using Personal Model (IB3 Method)
98.4% accuracy  Predicted Class Walking Jogging Stairs Sitting Standing Lying Down Actual Class 3033 1 24 4 1788 42 1292 870 2 6 5 11 509 8 7 442

19 2010 Study Accuracy Results
% of Records Correctly Classified Personal Impersonal Straw Man IB3 J48 NN Walking 99.2 97.5 99.1 72.4 77.3 60.6 37.7 Jogging 99.6 98.9 99.9 89.5 89.7 89.9 22.8 Stairs 96.5 91.7 98.0 64.9 56.7 67.6 16.5 Sitting 98.6 97.6 97.7 62.8 78.0 10.9 Standing 96.8 96.4 97.3 85.8 92.0 93.6 6.4 Lying Down 95.9 95.0 96.9 28.6 26.2 60.7 5.7 Overall 98.4 96.6 98.7 74.9 71.2 What do you think is meant by straw man? What might the straw man represent in this case?

20 Personal Model Accuracy (RF)
RF= Random Forest

21 Impersonal Model Accuracy (RF)

22 Accuracy of Different Classification Algorithms

23 Personal Model Learning Curves
The x-axis represents the amount of training data per activity

24 Impersonal Model Learning Curves
The x-axis represents the amount of training data per activity per panelist (50 panelists)

25 Personal Model Learning Curves (RF with varying sensors)

26 Impersonal Model Learning Curves (RF with varying sensors)

27 Impersonal Model Learning Curves (varying number of panelists)

28 Hybrid Models: A Big Problem
Much related work uses hybrid models rather than personal and impersonal models A single data set is used and then split into training and test Data from any subject can be in both the training and test set Easy methodology can use random sampling or cross-validation Not impersonal, but not personal either (hybrid) Hybrid models discussed as if they are impersonal models But they are not! This is cheating! So many researchers make methodological mistake Not same as using same data for training and test, but similar One might assume that small overlap is not a problem (if 50 people in the dataset then each test subject has only a 2% overlap with training data) Our prior research shows that it is a huge problem and hybrid models perform like personal models

29 Actitracker The phone-based research was incorporated into a deployed app/system called Actitracker The development effort to handle real-time activity recognition was substantial Actitracker is no longer supported

30 WISDM Biometrics Uses same data as for activity recognition
Initial research only focused on walking activity (gait), but eventually extended to all 18 activities Uses the same transformation process to generate 10-second examples Used three classification algorithms kNN, DT, Random Forest (RF does best again) Identification: uses 10-fold cross validation

31 Identification Results
Activity Single Sensor Fused Sensor Phone Accel Phone Gyro Watch Accel Watch Gyro Phone Watch Accel Gyro All Walking 96.1 94.7 75.1 67.0 96.8 78.9 96.5 95.3 97.4 Jogging 92.5 75.0 74.3 96.0 82.1 95.7 95.2 98.0 Stairs 90.8 81.2 52.4 39.2 92.7 58.7 92.6 80.9 95.1 Sitting 90.1 56.3 70.4 30.1 91.5 69.3 93.1 55.9 92.0 Standing 85.8 47.1 64.1 27.0 86.8 61.2 90.5 46.6 89.9 Typing 94.8 71.7 51.2 94.6 84.2 95.6 76.5 Teeth 92.2 69.5 70.0 93.7 76.1 74.5 95.4 Soup 94.3 56.5 74.1 50.4 95.8 76.6 96.3 66.9 96.6 Chips 93.3 56.8 62.6 38.7 93.2 62.4 66.3 94.9 Pasta 94.1 56.9 67.2 38.1 94.0 71.6 61.1 Drinking 93.9 57.4 63.9 41.3 93.8 65.3 60.6 Sandwich 92.9 62.8 61.9 37.6 62.1 95.9 68.5 Kicking 87.4 54.3 38.3 88.6 59.8 92.1 72.7 Catch 90.0 69.1 71.3 90.3 75.4 82.0 Dribbling 88.3 66.0 72.3 74.8 89.5 80.3 94.4 Writing 92.8 79.6 47.6 79.1 94.2 73.0 Clapping 72.8 83.4 73.9 85.3 86.1 96.7 Folding 90.7 65.8 60.0 38.8 63.0 93.6 Avg. 67.3 68.7 49.8 73.2

32 Majority Voting Strategy
Results just displayed are based on classification of one test example 10 seconds of data But for biometrics can assume sensor data comes from the same person Can use more than 10 seconds Our majority voting uses 5 examples/50 seconds Should yield improved results

33 Identification Results (Voting)
Activity Single Sensor Fused Sensor Phone Accel Phone Gyro Watch Accel Watch Gyro Phone Watch Accel Gyro All Walking 100.0 94.1 80.4 90.2 Jogging 90.0 88.0 98.0 Stairs 70.0 43.8 96.0 75.0 91.7 Sitting 62.7 88.2 33.3 86.3 64.7 Standing 39.2 82.4 20.0 84.0 50.0 Typing 89.8 94.0 95.9 Teeth 96.1 Soup 66.7 62.0 80.0 Chips 76.0 41.2 Pasta 56.0 48.0 71.4 Drinking 58.8 60.8 Sandwich 68.0 38.0 82.0 73.5 Kicking 68.6 32.0 Catch 78.0 85.7 91.8 Dribbling Writing Clapping Folding 76.5 78.4 Avg. 98.8 74.4 85.8 55.8 98.9 88.3 99.7 83.2 99.6

34 Continuous Biometrics
Idea: biometrics using motion data from normal (unstructured) daily tasks We can only approximate this since only 18 activities and even distribution of each Next set of results merge all 18 activities Without label: activities merged with no activity label Predicted label: activity recognition model used to predict activity and then use that label With label: the known label is used. This is not realistic, but used as upper bound

35 Continuous Biometrics Results (Identification only)
Sensors Used Without Label Predicted Label With Label Phone Accel 96.8 96.0 97.6 Phone Gyro 61.6 63.1 65.1 Watch Accel 76.0 75.4 77.3 Watch Gyro 39.8 42.4 43.9 Phone 97.0 96.2 97.5 Watch 77.1 80.6 77.9 Accel 99.2 98.9 99.3 Gyro 72.3 72.9 73.0 All 99.1 Average 79.9 80.5 81.2

36 Authentication Experiments
Binary classification problem: “you” or “imposter” 1 model per user (51 models given 51 users) “Imposters” in test set should not be in train set Main evaluation metric is Equal Error Rate Balances two types of errors: false acceptance rate and false rejection rate Don’t worry about understanding this metric

37 Authentication EER (%) without Voting (RF)
Activity Single Sensor Fused Sensor Phone Accel Phone Gyro Watch Accel Watch Gyro Phone Watch Accel Gyro All Walking 11.2 11.3 17.5 18.8 9.3 16.1 12.6 10.2 7.9 Jogging 11.5 13.2 18.1 19.3 10.3 15.1 13.8 9.8 Stairs 12.3 16.4 24.3 26.1 11.8 21.6 13.9 16.5 13.5 Sitting 13.6 26.3 21.8 33.4 12.8 22.3 10.7 27.2 13.0 Standing 14.7 26.0 22.6 33.3 15.6 23.0 11.9 27.9 15.4 Typing 19.4 16.8 26.2 18.0 10.4 19.0 8.7 Teeth 19.7 18.6 22.7 12.1 17.2 11.4 19.9 12.2 Soup 9.6 22.4 17.6 24.6 10.1 8.6 21.7 Chips 23.3 19.2 29.5 11.7 20.3 20.4 Pasta 12.4 18.4 28.8 14.4 10.9 Drinking 12.0 24.2 20.0 30.1 12.9 20.1 Sandwich 24.1 30.2 22.1 23.6 Kicking 12.5 18.5 26.7 21.1 16.7 14.0 Catch 10.8 20.6 20.8 13.4 Dribbling 18.9 21.0 12.7 17.9 15.7 Writing 13.3 15.3 27.1 Clapping 20.5 15.8 9.7 14.6 10.6 Folding 16.6 19.6 24.7 17.1 8.3 17.0 Avg. 20.2 19.5 25.8

38 Authentication EER (%) with Voting (RF)
Activity Single Sensor Fused Sensor Phone Accel Phone Gyro Watch Accel Watch Gyro Phone Watch Accel Gyro All Walking 9.4 9.8 13.2 17.2 8.8 13.9 11.3 10.0 6.8 Jogging 7.8 10.8 16.2 15.2 9.7 12.7 9.0 11.2 8.3 Stairs 13.4 12.5 19.3 23.9 9.3 18.9 8.4 14.1 6.9 Sitting 10.4 23.7 14.5 32.1 17.0 21.1 10.2 Standing 12.1 22.1 16.7 31.6 10.9 21.5 7.7 Typing 15.4 13.0 20.7 8.9 14.0 8.6 13.3 Teeth 10.1 20.0 14.4 14.9 8.2 Soup 7.3 19.2 22.3 6.1 17.5 8.0 Chips 9.9 14.7 25.9 10.3 18.1 8.5 Pasta 14.3 26.6 18.5 19.6 5.4 Drinking 16.6 25.1 19.9 8.1 Sandwich 17.9 25.7 11.4 17.7 Kicking 10.6 19.4 21.0 24.1 11.0 18.8 Catch 16.3 15.5 Dribbling 16.4 16.1 11.8 11.5 Writing 8.7 15.7 10.7 21.3 9.2 11.6 16.0 Clapping 12.9 14.8 Folding 7.9 18.6 23.4 17.3 7.1 Avg. 17.6 15.6 22.4 9.6 15.3

39 Some Conclusions For both AR and Biometrics performance is better when using phone and watch Similar if use all 4 sensors or just accelerometers on both devices Accelerometer much better than gyroscope when used alone For biometrics, clapping and typing could be useful given they are practical Personal models perform best for activity recognition Majority voting improves biometrics

40 Room for Additional Research
WISDM Lab has completed most of the activity recognition research, but some biometrics is still going on Let me know if you are interested Possible topics for (challenging) course projects True continuous biometrics Biometric authentication using only positive class Current problem with building an authentication model using lots of training data from imposters Class Imbalance

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