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Spelling Scheme of Work

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1 Spelling Scheme of Work
Stage 4 All elements of this scheme are copyright © The Spelling Shed Ltd and may not be redistributed without permission. 27/4/18

2 Spelling lists – Stage 4 Spelling Rules: These words are homophones or near homophones. They have the same pronunciation but different spellings and/or meanings. Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to create adverbs of manner. These adverbs describe how the verb is occurring. Spelling Rules: The prefix ’in-’ can mean both ‘not’ and ‘in’/’into.’ In these spellings the prefix ’in-’ means ‘not.’ Spelling Rules: Homophones – words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings. Spelling Rules: Before a root word starting with l, the ‘in-’ prefix becomes ‘il-’. Before a root word starting with r the prefix ‘in-’ becomes ’ir-’ Spelling Rules: The /s/ sound spelled c before ’i’ and ‘e’. Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘sub-’ which means under or below. Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’sol word family’ and ‘real word family’ Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘inter-’ means between, amongst or during. Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’phon word family’ and ‘sign word family’ Challenge Words Spelling Rules: The suffix ’-ation’ is added to verbs to form nouns. Spelling Rules: Prefixes – ’super-’ ‘anti’ and ‘auto.’ Spelling Rules: The prefix bi- meaning two. Spelling Rules: Adding –ly to adverbs. Remembering words ending in ‘-y’ become ‘-ily’ and words ending in ‘–le’ become ‘–ly.’ Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to to turn an adjective into an adverb when the final letter is ‘l.’ Spelling Rules: Word with the ’sh’ sound spelled ch. These words are French in origin. Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix ‘–ion.’ When the root word ends in ’d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se’ then the suffix ’-ion’ needs to be ‘-sion.’ Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix –ous.’ Sometimes the root word is obvious and the usual rules apply for adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters. Sometimes there is no obvious root word though. Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ The final ‘e’ of the root word must be kept if the sound of ‘g’ is to be kept. Spelling Rules: The ‘ee’ sound spelled with an ‘i.’ Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ If there is an ‘ee’ sound before the ’-ous’ ending, it is usually spelled as i, but a few words have e. Spelling Rules: The ‘au’ digraph Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ when the root word ends in ‘t’ or ‘te’ then the suffix becomes ’-tion.’ Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ becomes ’-ssion’ when the root word ends in ’ss’ or ‘mit.’ Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’

3 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt accept except knot not
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: These words are homophones or near homophones. They have the same pronunciation but different spellings and/or meanings. Name: List: 1 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt accept except knot not peace piece plain plane weather whether

4 Write the correct spelling into each sentence.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: These words are homophones or near homophones. They have the same pronunciation but different spellings and/or meanings. Name: List: 1 Write the correct spelling into each sentence. The teacher gave everyone a ________ of _________ paper. Tim stood at the front of assembly to __________ his prize. I had a ________ in my shoelaces. All was dark, ________ for a tiny candle in the corner. I like most vegetables but ______ cauliflower. In church the people prayed for _______ on Earth. The _________ stopped the children playing out today. The pilot landed his ________ safely on the runway. The children wondered ________ they should tell their teacher. Spellings accept except knot not peace piece plain plane weather whether

5 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt inactive incorrect
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ’in-’ can mean both ‘not’ and ‘in’/’into.’ In these spellings the prefix ’in-’ means ‘not.’ Name: List: 2 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt inactive incorrect invisible insecure inflexible indefinite inelegant incurable inability inadequate

6 i n _ u r a _ l e i n _ o r _ e c t i n s e c u r e i n a b _ _ i t y
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ’in-’ can mean both ‘not’ and ‘in’/’into.’ In these spellings the prefix ’in-’ means ‘not.’ Name: List: 2 Spellings inactive incorrect invisible insecure inflexible indefinite inelegant incurable inability inadequate Cover your spellings up. Can you add in the missing letters from each word? i n _ u r a _ l e i n _ o r _ e c t i n s e c u r e i n a b _ _ i t y i n e l _ _ a n t i n d e f _ _ i t e i n _ _ t i v e i n a d e _ _ a t e i n _ _ e _ i b l e _ n v _ s _ b l e

7 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt illegal illegible
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Before a root word starting with l, the ‘in-’ prefix becomes ‘il-’. Before a root word starting with r the prefix ‘in-’ becomes ’ir-’ Name: List: 3 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt illegal illegible immature immortal impossible impatient imperfect irregular irrelevant irresponsible

8 Can you write a sentence using one or more of these words?
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Rules: Before a root word starting with l the ‘in-’ prefix becomes ‘il-’. Before a root word starting with r the prefix ‘in-’ becomes ’ir-’ Name: List: 3 il ir Spellings illegal illegible immature immortal impossible impatient imperfect irregular irrelevant irresponsible Sort your spellings between the sticky notes. Can you add any of your own words? im My Sentence CHALLENGE Can you write a sentence using one or more of these words?

9 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt submarine subject subway
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘sub-’ which means under or below. Name: List: 4 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt submarine subject subway submerge subtropical subdivide subheading substandard subtitle submit

10 sub + = tropical merge divide mit title marine standard ject way
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘sub-’ which means under or below. Name: List: 4 Use the sub to create the words from your spelling list. Can you think of any more? sub + tropical = merge divide mit title marine standard ject way heading Spellings submarine subject subway submerge subtropical subdivide subheading substandard subtitle submit My own sub- words

11 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt interact intercity
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘inter-’ means between, amongst or during. Name: List: 5 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt interact intercity international interfere interview intercept intercom internet interchange interface

12 international impossible electricity interchange simplistic interface
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix ‘inter-’ means between, amongst or during. Name: List: 5 Spellings interact intercity international interfere interview intercept intercom internet interchange interface Ask someone to time you. Can you find your spellings hidden in the grid? How long did it take? Try it again and improve your speed! international impossible electricity interchange simplistic interface interact diversity intercity interfere action intercom changeable inactive interspersed internet intercept facial interview interesting Which new word in the grid follows the same spelling rule as the spelling list?

13 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt calendar appear believe
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 6 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt calendar appear believe grammar increase interest opposite straight strength women

14 a s t r e n g h k u j o c l d q p v z i b m w f x y Spellings calendar
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 6 a s t r e n g h k u j o c l d q p v z i b m w f x y Spellings calendar appear believe grammar increase interest opposite straight strength women Can you find your spellings hidden in this word search?

15 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt information sensation
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ’-ation’ is added to verbs to form nouns. Name: List: 7 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt information sensation preparation vibration decoration donation duration registration population determination

16 Root Word Spellings inform information sensation preparation vibration
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ’-ation’ is added to verbs to form nouns. Name: List: 7 The spelling words are all nouns. Can you put them through the machine to turn them back into verbs? Root Word inform Spellings information sensation preparation vibration decoration donation duration registration population determination

17 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt adoration admiration
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ’-ation’ is added to verbs to form nouns. Name: List: 8 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt adoration admiration coronation detonation observation location generation exploration combination illustration

18 Root Word Spellings adore adoration admiration coronation detonation
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ’-ation’ is added to verbs to form nouns. Name: List: 8 The spelling words are all nouns. Can you put them through the machine to turn them back into verbs? Root Word adore Spellings adoration admiration coronation detonation observation location generation exploration combination illustration

19 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt sadly completely wildly
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding –ly to adverbs. Remembering words ending in ‘-y’ become ‘-ily’ and words ending in ‘–le’ become ‘–ly.’ Name: List: 9 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt sadly completely wildly bravely gently foolishly proudly horribly nervously happily

20 Create a sentence for each of your spellings.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding –ly to adverbs. Remembering words ending in ‘-y’ become ‘-ily’ and words ending in ‘–le’ become ‘–ly.’ Name: List: 9 Spellings sadly completely wildly bravely gently foolishly proudly horribly nervously happily Create a sentence for each of your spellings. You get 1 point for each spelling used correctly. For every sentence that you can start with a spelling, you will be awarded 2 bonus points.

21 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt usually finally
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to to turn an adjective into an adverb when the final letter is ‘l.’ Name: List: 10 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt usually finally beautifully thoughtfully wonderfully carefully faithfully peacefully cruelly generally

22 Spellings usually finally beautifully thoughtfully wonderfully
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to to turn an adjective into an adverb when the final letter is ‘l.’ Name: List: 10 Use a dictionary to find out what your spellings mean. Create your own definition for 5 of your words. Spellings usually finally beautifully thoughtfully wonderfully carefully faithfully peacefully cruelly generally Your word Your definition

23 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt chef chalet machine
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Word with the ’sh’ sound spelled ch. These words are French in origin. Name: List: 11 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt chef chalet machine brochure parachute chute chaperone chandelier crochet quiche

24 b a c h e f d j l m k z r p u t o g s q n v i w x y Spellings chef
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Word with the ’sh’ sound spelled ch. These words are French in origin. Name: List: 11 b a c h e f d j l m k z r p u t o g s q n v i w x y Spellings chef chalet machine brochure parachute chute chaperone chandelier crochet quiche Can you find your spellings hidden in this word search?

25 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt complete continue
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 12 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt complete continue experiment famous favourite February naughty material knowledge remember

26 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 12 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings complete continue experiment famous favourite February naughty material knowledge remember complete favrit compleat experriment February continyou knowledge Februrary noledge Febuary knoledge famoos containue continue matirial material nuaghty rememmber egsperiment mateerial commplete favorite remembrer favourite famous remember famouse experiment nauhty naughty Cover your spelling list to make the task trickier!

27 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expansion extension
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix ‘–ion.’ When the root word ends in ’d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se’ then the suffix ’-ion’ needs to be ‘-sion.’ Name: List: 13 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expansion extension comprehension tension suspension exclusion provision explosion erosion invasion

28 d se de Spellings expansion extension comprehension tension suspension
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix ‘–ion.’ When the root word ends in ’d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se’ the then the suffix ’-ion’ needs to be ‘-sion.’ Name: List: 13 se Spellings expansion extension comprehension tension suspension exclusion provision explosion erosion invasion d Did the root word end in ‘d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se?’ Sort your spellings into these three groups. de CHALLENGE Can you add any more ‘-ion’ words to the sticky notes? Tip: You may want to write down the 10 root words before sorting out your spellings.

29 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt poisonous dangerous
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix –ous.’ Sometimes the root word is obvious and the usual rules apply for adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters. Sometimes there is no obvious root word though. Name: List: 14 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt poisonous dangerous mountainous marvellous perilous tremendous enormous jealous precious disastrous

30 _an__rous m_r_el_ous ____lous j__lous m__nt__n__s p____nous tre___dous
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding the suffix –ous.’ Sometimes the root word is obvious and the usual rules apply for adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters. Sometimes there is no obvious root word though. Name: List: 14 Spellings poisonous dangerous mountainous marvellous perilous tremendous enormous jealous precious disastrous Cover your spellings up. Can you add in the missing letters from each word? _an__rous m_r_el_ous ____lous j__lous m__nt__n__s p____nous tre___dous pre__ous enor____ disa___ous

31 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt courageous outrageous
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ The final ‘e’ of the root word must be kept if the sound of ‘g’ is to be kept. Name: List: 15 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt courageous outrageous nervous famous adventurous advantageous ridiculous carnivorous rapturous torturous

32 Write the correct spelling into each sentence.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ The final ‘e’ of the root word must be kept if the sound of ‘g’ is to be kept. Name: List: 15 Write the correct spelling into each sentence. The boy was sent home due to his __________ hair style. It would be ___________ to students to do their homework. I felt __________ in my fancy-dress outfit. ___________ animals eat mostly meat. The rock stars appeared on stage to a _________ applause. Time ticked so slowly that it was _________. The ____________ soldier stepped onto the battlefield. The teacher was ________ when she met the _________Olympian. ___________ toddlers often get lost. Spellings courageous outrageous nervous famous adventurous advantageous ridiculous carnivorous rapturous torturous

33 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt merriment happiness
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The ‘ee’ sound spelled with an ‘i.’ Name: List: 16 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt merriment happiness plentiful penniless happily prettiest nastiness beautiful pitiful silliness

34 Find the missing letters to complete the missing word in red.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The ‘ee’ sound spelled with an ‘i.’ Name: List: 16 n a t i e s p l u f r m b Spellings merriment happiness plentiful penniless happily prettiest nastiness beautiful pitiful silliness Find the missing letters to complete the missing word in red.

35 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt serious obvious curious
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ If there is an ‘ee’ sound before the ’-ous’ ending, it is usually spelled as i, but a few words have e. Name: List: 17 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt serious obvious curious hideous spontaneous courteous furious various victorious gaseous

36 Draw a line to match each spelling to its definition. Spellings
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ous.’ If there is an ‘ee’ sound before the ’-ous’ ending, it is usually spelled as i, but a few words have e. Name: List: 17 Draw a line to match each spelling to its definition. Spellings serious obvious curious hideous spontaneous courteous furious various victorious gaseous easy to see or notice not joking or funny made up of gas eager to learn something very ugly or disgusting the winner’s feeling done without planning how to refer to a range of things very polite and respectful very angry

37 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt breath business caught
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 18 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt breath business caught different exercise extreme medicine possession although thought

38 a r h z g w p l t o u d b e f s k i x j q c y m v n Spellings breath
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 18 a r h z g w p l t o u d b e f s k i x j q c y m v n Spellings breath business caught different exercise extreme medicine possession although thought Can you find your spellings hidden in this word search?

39 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt naughty caught fraught
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The ‘au’ digraph. Name: List: 19 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt naughty caught fraught automatic astronaut cause author applaud taught audience

40 Match each half of the spellings with a straight line.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The ‘au’ digraph. Name: List: 19 Spellings naughty caught fraught automatic astronaut cause author applaud taught audience cau auto audi ast tau nau aut app fra ught se laud ence ght ronaut hor ghty matic Match each half of the spellings with a straight line. One has already been done for you.

41 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt invention injection
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ when the root word ends in ‘t’ or ‘te’ then the suffix becomes ’-tion.’ Name: List: 20 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt invention injection action hesitation completion stagnation nomination migration conservation selection

42 Write the correct spelling into each sentence.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ when the root word ends in ‘t’ or ‘te’ then the suffix becomes ’-tion.’ Name: List: 20 Write the correct spelling into each sentence. The scientist was ready to reveal his new _________ to the world. The birds are currently starting their _________ to the South. I was worried about having an __________ from the doctor. There was a large _________ of sweets for sale. The new school building was nearing __________. After months of _________, the two armies marched into ________. Three children each received a __________ for the school council. Due to the ___________ project there are now more Pandas in the wild. Spellings invention injection action hesitation completion stagnation nomination migration conservation selection

43 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expression discussion
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ becomes ’-ssion’ when the root word ends in ’ss’ or ‘mit.’ Name: List: 21 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expression discussion confession permission admission impression obsession procession omission concussion

44 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-ion’ becomes ’-ssion’ when the root word ends in ’ss’ or ‘mit.’ Name: List: 21 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings expression discussion confession permission admission impression obsession procession omission concussion concussion imppression espression confesion obsesion permission conffession impression permision admission diskussion ommission expression obession procession admision inpression omission prosession expresion procesion discussion addmission permizzion confession obsession comcussion discusion concusion Cover your spelling list to make the task trickier!

45 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt musician magician
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’ Name: List: 22 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt musician magician electrician politician mathematician technician optician beautician physician dietician

46 Match each spelling with the job pictured.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The suffix ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ’c’ or ‘cs’ Name: List: 22 Match each spelling with the job pictured. Spellings musician magician electrician politician mathematician technician optician beautician physician dietician

47 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt reluctantly quickly
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to create adverbs of manner. These adverbs describe how the verb is occurring. Name: List: 23 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt reluctantly quickly generously unexpectedly gently curiously furiously seriously victoriously courteously

48 Spellings reluctantly quickly generously unexpectedly gently curiously
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Adding ‘-ly’ to create adverbs of manner. These adverbs describe how the verb is occurring. Name: List: 23 Choose five of these sentences to use in a sentence. Make it trickier by starting your sentence with the spelling word. Spellings reluctantly quickly generously unexpectedly gently curiously furiously seriously victoriously courteously

49 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt group height particular
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 24 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt group height particular potatoes separate surprise through various though woman

50 Fill in the blanks to complete the grid.
Stage: 4 Challenge Words Name: List: 24 o t e s a r g h p w c i m l u Spellings group height particular potatoes separate surprise through various though woman Fill in the blanks to complete the grid.

51 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt scene seen whose who’s
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Homophones – words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings. Name: List: 25 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt scene seen whose who’s affect effect here hear heel heal

52 Choose one of your spellings to complete the sentence.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Homophones – words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings. Name: List: 25 Spellings scene seen whose who’s affect effect here hear heel heal Choose one of your spellings to complete the sentence. Only one of the pair is correct. The opening of the story set the ____________ for the reader. “_________ socks are these?” asked the teacher. The medicine had an immediate _________. It was difficult to _______ over the noise in the playground. Daniel hurt his ________ playing football in the park.

53 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt circle century centaur
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The /s/ sound spelled c before ’i’ and ‘e’. Name: List: 26 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt circle century centaur circus princess voice medicine celebrate celery pencil

54 Spellings sircle circle sentury century sentaur centaur sircus circus
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The /s/ sound spelled ’c’ before ‘e’, ‘i’ and ’y’ Name: List: 26 Cover your spellings for this task Marvin has scored 0/10 in his spelling test. Can you help him out by writing the correct spellings into this grid? Spellings circle century centaur circus princess voice medicine celebrate celery pencil sircle sentury sentaur sircus prinsess voise medisine selebrate selery pencil

55 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt solar solution soluble
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’sol word family’ and ‘real word family’ Name: List: 27 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt solar solution soluble insoluble dissolve real reality realistic unreal realisation

56 a i x r p s c t m u n e l b v j k h g z o w f d q y Spellings solar
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’sol word family’ and ‘real word family’ Name: List: 27 Spellings solar solution soluble insoluble dissolve real reality realistic unreal realisation a i x r p s c t m u n e l b v j k h g z o w f d q y Can you find your spellings hidden in this word search?

57 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt phone telephone phonics
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’phon word family’ and ‘sign word family’ Name: List: 28 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt phone telephone phonics microphone phonograph sign signature assign designer signaller

58 Your spellings have been split and scrambled.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Some words have similar spellings, root words and meanings. We call these word families. ’phon word family’ and ‘sign word family’ Name: List: 28 Spellings phone telephone phonics microphone phonograph sign signature assign designer signaller ph telep pho micro phono si signa as desi sign ture naller hone gn sign one phone gner nics graph Your spellings have been split and scrambled. Draw a straight line to match the two parts of each spelling.

59 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt supermarket superman
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Prefixes – ’super-’ ‘anti’ and ‘auto.’ Name: List: 29 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt supermarket superman superstar superhuman antiseptic anticlockwise antisocial autobiography autograph automatic

60 a t i c s p u o g h l b y r k e n w Spellings supermarket superman
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: Prefixes – ’super-’ ‘anti’ and ‘auto.’ Name: List: 29 a t i c s p u o g h l b y r k e n w Spellings supermarket superman superstar superhuman antiseptic anticlockwise antisocial autobiography autograph automatic Insert the missing letters into your spellings to find a new ‘anti-’ word.

61 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt bicycle biplane biped
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix bi- meaning two. Name: List: 30 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt bicycle biplane biped bicentennial biannual bilingual bicuspid biceps binoculars bisect

62 Add the bi-prefix to create these new words.
Stage: 4 Spelling Rules: The prefix bi- meaning two. Name: List: 30 Add the bi-prefix to create these new words. Highlight the 10 that are your spellings. Spellings bicycle biplane biped bicentennial biannual bilingual bicuspid biceps binoculars bisect bi + ceps = bi + cycle = bi + ennial = bi + noculars = bi + plane = bi + valve = bi + annual = bi + sect = bi + focal = bi + lateral = bi + ped = bi + centennial= bi + athlete = bi + monthly = bi + cuspid = bi + lingual =

63 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt accept inactive illegal
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 31 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt accept inactive illegal submarine interact calendar information adoration sadly usually

64 i a e y g n t r c d q f o m l h p k b x u z s j w v Spellings accept
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 31 i a e y g n t r c d q f o m l h p k b x u z s j w v Spellings accept inactive illegal submarine interact calendar information adoration sadly usually Can you find your spellings hidden in this word search?

65 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt chef complete expansion
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 32 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt chef complete expansion poisonous courageous merriment serious breath naughty invention

66 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 32 Circle the 10 correct spellings below. Spellings chef complete expansion poisonous courageous merriment serious breath naughty invention merriment nawty serrious invention espansion infention corageous conplete chef sereous poisonous breith serious breeth poisonnous shef merryment breath expanssion sheff complete couragous courageous compleat expansion nuaghty poizonous meriment naughty inventsion Cover your spelling list to make the task trickier!

67 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expression musician
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 33 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt expression musician reluctantly group scene circle solar supermarket bicycle except

68 Write the correct spelling into each sentence.
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 33 Write the correct spelling into each sentence. The __________ played the piano for a ________ of children. The actors changed the _________ halfway through the play. ____________, the shy boy stood at the front of the assembly. The people witnessed a spectacular ________ eclipse. I like almost all foods _________ fish. My racing __________ has two wheels. Her __________ was one of delight as she opened the gift. The __________ queues were really long. The students sat in a ________ on the floor. Spellings expression musician reluctantly group scene circle solar supermarket bicycle except

69 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt incorrect illegible
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 34 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt incorrect illegible subject international believe preparation coronation wildly bravely thoughtfully

70 Which spelling is missing?
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 34 i n t o l h r e g b j p v f c a d y Spellings incorrect illegible subject international believe preparation coronation wildly bravely thoughtfully Use your spellings, and the letters in the crossword, to work out the missing words. Which spelling is missing?

71 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt brochure famous tension
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 35 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt brochure famous tension penniless hideous different astronaut completion admission mathematician

72 Draw a line to match each spelling to its definition. Spellings
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 35 Draw a line to match each spelling to its definition. Spellings brochure famous tension penniless hideous different astronaut completion admission mathematician permission given to enter hardly any money the act of finishing a thin booklet not alike space traveller something very well known very ugly or unattractive a feeling of worry or anxiety trained in study of numbers

73 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt gently separate affect
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 36 Spellings 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt gently separate affect unexpectedly potatoes circus insoluble microphone superhuman bicentennial

74 Spellings gently separate affect unexpectedly potatoes circus
Stage: 4 Revision – spelling rules we have learned in Stage 4. Name: List: 36 Use a dictionary to find out what your spellings mean. Create your own definition for 5 of your words. Spellings gently separate affect unexpectedly potatoes circus insoluble microphone superhuman bicentennial Your word Your definition

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