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What is the AP Language and Composition Test?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the AP Language and Composition Test?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the AP Language and Composition Test?
A short primer by Mr. Jackson

2 Four target areas: Patterns Format Development Strategies

3 Patterns Autobiography Biography History Literary Criticism Journalism
Politics Science and Nature

4 Format of the Test 60 minutes for multiple choice
120 minutes for essays 15 extra minutes for synthesis essay reading Essay counts 55% MC counts 45%

5 Writing Test Scoring Approx. 500 (or more) teachers and professors score the test, usually in June They are divided into question leaders, who supervise table leaders, who in turn supervise 7-8 readers They are trained for this rubric and question the first day of scoring Question and table leaders are consulted by readers

6 Writing Scoring, cont. Each question is read by a different faculty consultant All i.d. is covered up Many essays are read repeatedly when they deviate too much from the norm (both high and low)

7 MC questions and how they are developed
Sequence of questions Surface and deeper level meaning Structural patterns contribution Ability to describe feature function

8 Development, cont. Different levels of questions: Level 1
Answer in the passage is possible (facts) Hardest overall

9 Development, cont. Level 2 Comprehension questions
Students have be to be able to recognize and apply concepts

10 Development, cont. Level 3 Come at the end
What is the purpose of, etc.?

11 Content 17th Century to the present Different Genres
Persuasion is Huge!

12 Index Questions are field-tested with college students Five choices
There is a best answer and a worst answer

13 Now that you know what the test is….
…all that we have to do is prepare, which we have already started by distributing the terms. Pick one other person, and I will assign you a few terms to be in charge in and present, starting around October 1 or so, and lasting until 2nd semester. Review terms on your own throughout the year.

14 What happens on Wednesday?
You are invited to come to my room for some muffins between 7:00 and 7:25 a.m. All sections should report to the Green Room (near the AP Center for the Art)s or other venue downstairs no later than 7:30 a.m. Leave all electronic devices behind (phones, I-pods, etc.). It is advisable to bring a sweatshirt or light sweater. You are not automatically excused for the day. It is up to your parent or guardian to decide if you are excused for the rest of the day.

15 Wednesday, cont. Bring your own supplies, water, etc. (these can’t be at your work station during the test). Complete initial paperwork until 8:00 start. Be sure to read the paperwork carefully—especially regarding how to dispute a score—there is a deadline.

16 Then what? On Thursday, we will regroup a little and start a video called Shattered Glass. On Thursday, you will receive information on M-Step. We will also offer the opportunity to begin reading One Book, One School. I would like to show the movie Shattered Glass more on Friday, and Freedom Writers after that. The Writer’s Toolbox assignment is due in late May. I will hand out directions soon, but it is also on my web-site under the Handouts Tab.

17 Closure Don’t forget to annotate the essay portion like you’ve been taught. Relax and wait for the test scores…they normally come in mid to late July, but are sometimes earlier. See AP web-site for more exact time-table and method of notification. Remember: “Be quick, but don’t hurry.” John Wooden

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