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Capstone Support Editor Office of Academic Editing Writing Center

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Presentation on theme: "Capstone Support Editor Office of Academic Editing Writing Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capstone Support Editor Office of Academic Editing Writing Center
Walden University Academic Residencies: Writing Resources for Your Dissertation Vania Bright, PhD Capstone Support Editor Office of Academic Editing Writing Center PhD Residencies 3 & 4

2 Unique Writing Center Slide Decks
Slide decks for Writing Center-led residency sessions are not located in Blackboard or SharePoint Instead, the unique slide decks for all Writing Center-led residency sessions are uploaded to the Writing Center’s Residencies Webpage 5 days before the first day of each residency Let’s find them together!

3 About Me Walden staff member for 1.5 years PhD in Sociology
Methods nerd Personal passions: My original 1950s kitchen (pink oven!), social theory (especially Foucault!), and my family.

4 Session Learning Objectives
Understand the role of the Writing Center in writing your dissertation Identify and connect with Writing Center tools and resources for the dissertation Templates Strategies and Writing Center tools for writing Chapters 1 and 2

5 Initial Questions / Activity 1
Show of hands: Who is working on the prospectus? Who is working on the proposal? Who is writing the final study? Ask students for a show of hands and comment on the number of hands for each group.

6 Initial Questions / Activity 1
Show of hands: Who feels confident that they know about Writing Center support/resources that can help you throughout all of the different stages? Ask students for a show of hands and comment on the number of hands for each group.

7 Two Offices in the Writing Center
Office of Writing Instruction: Coursework; course papers Webinars Learning modules Prospectus/prelim development More focused on writing instruction, development, learning Office of Academic Editing: Proposal and final document More focused on completion, writing, formatting More focused on editing, revising, fine tuning Form and Style Review (F&S) Now that students hopefully understand a bit more of the dissertation process, we can talk about our resources for the different phases.

8 Form & Style Review Focus of Form & Style Review Document expectations
To help students best present their research they have conducted at Walden for publication in the ProQuest database Emphasize APA requirements, formatting requirements, concision and clarity, grammar Document expectations Articles and books on writing the dissertation Templates (We will talk more about this later in the session)

9 Writing Center Office of Writing Instruction and the Prospectus
Preproposal Starter Kit Preparing to write Writing expectations Writing self-efficacy (strategies) Beginning revision and self-editing skills Prospectus/ Prelim reviews Have document reviewed Instructor provides comments and resources for improvement APA, grammar Connect with instructors live via Chat Again, ask students to avoid trying to write down all this info., and emphasize listening so that they have at least heard that we have these resources available. They can come back to this PPT later.

10 Writing Center Office of Academic Editing and the Proposal
Multilingual Writer’s Kit Expectations for writing in American Academic English Focus on English grammar, sentence structure, argument formation, use of evidence Proposal Kit Writing the introduction Literature review Beginning writing about methods Final Study Kit Chapters 4 and 5-results and conclusions

11 Writing Center Office of Academic Editing and the Proposal
Editor Office Hours Including office hours for multilingual students Capstone webinars Transitioning from Coursework to Capstone Understand the different expectations in the document, writing, student responsibility Writing Process for Longer Research Papers More on how to write longer, exhaustive papers Differences in goals of the paper; expectations Each chapter of the dissertation

12 Writing Center Office of Academic Editing and the Final Study
Final Study Kit Chapters 4 and 5-results and conclusions Form and Style Review Kit How to prepare the document before submitting the final study for committee approval and eventual F&S review Steps to help ensure a smooth review with fewer revisions PostGrad Kit Information on what, where, and how to publish or show of your dissertation or parts of it.

13 Activity 2: Template Demonstration and Practice
Templates Pilcrow Page/Section Breaks Add one heading (Literature Review) Template video Aim for about 30 minutes on this activity. Demonstrate adding one heading and update the TOC.

14 Strategies for Chapter 1
Most decisions need to be made: Problem Purpose RQ Framework Significance Work with your committee on these key elements Webinar: Introduce, Conclude, Write the Abstract Proposal Kit

15 Strategies for Chapter 2
Literature review Often the most difficult and longest chapter to write Always begin with an outline Synthesis rather than summary (see next slide) Challenge when moving from annotated bibliographies to synthesis

16 Literature Review: Goals
Teach readers about your topic and focus State of the field History Current ideas Major studies Practical headings Keywords from study title and problem statement Present full picture of topic Studies supporting your focus Studies opposing your focus Saturation point Numbers of sources will vary

17 Summary versus Synthesis
Brief description of one source’s main ideas Tell brief story of each source Annotated bibliography Synthesis Extended explanation of ideas, trends, themes, theories, and/or methods among multiple sources Combine multiple sources to tell detailed story of your topic Literature review

18 The same goes for organization; organize by theme
Research Notes: Author A (2011): single mothers, working parents, wage gaps Author B (2013): childcare cost increases, demographics at daycare Author C (2010): parent-child relationships, role of caregivers Thematic Outline: Financial cost to single parenting: Author A (2011), Author B (2013) Socioeconomic status and parenting styles: Author B (2013), Author C (2010) Working and raising children: Author A (2011), Author C (2010)

19 Literature Review: Process
Locate literature (prospectus) Read and take notes Organize notes into sections Synthesize and understand sources well enough to teach them Write/revise the literature review essay Emphasize constant process of writing, revising, reading

20 Top Issues with the Lit Review
Organization / flow Breadth/depth Describing the broader category Peer-reviewed sources No Creswell or other textbooks Seriously limit secondary sources Limit management magazines, websites, blogs, etc. Relevancy (geographic location) Currency of sources: within 5 years of anticipated graduation

21 Summarizing and Organizing the Literature
Begin with the broadest concepts that are related to your area Don’t summarize all of the literature in these broad areas, but focus on what will be relevant to your discussion. Narrow to your discussion by looking at the specific topic areas in your study. End with a discussion of how these have not been discussed in tandem; that no researchers have studied your specific variables in this manner or context (identifying the gap in the literature).

22 Summarizing and Organizing the Literature
Broad Concepts (e.g. organizational change, innovation diffusion, policy implementation) Specific Topic Areas (e.g. workplace flexibility policies, administrative innovation, and self-managed teams) Specific Variables in Tandem (e.g. success/failure of flexible work initiative as impacted by managerial control and collective group processes)

23 Sample Literature Review Outline
Conclusion (Leading to rationale for your study) Methods-Specific Literature Main Topic 4 Subtopic Main Topic 3 Main Topic 2 Main Topic 1 Search Strategy Introduction Sample Literature Review Outline

24 Example / Activity 3 The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore whether and how an on-site ombudsperson can be effective in mitigating office bullying. What are the main ideas you can already see here?

25 Example / Activity 3 The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore whether and how an on-site ombudsperson can be effective in mitigating office bullying. Conflict Bullying Conflict management/mitigation Ombudspeople Consider the scope/order Can we be even more specific? What other elements may belong under these? Discuss how beginning with broad topics and slowly narrowing to concepts more specific to this study.

26 Example / Activity 3 Bullying Organizational conflict
General bullying Office bullying Organizational conflict Conflict management The role and history of an ombudsperson Role of an ombudsperson in government Role of an ombudsperson in a corporation Ombudspeople and mitigating conflict Benefits of employing ombudspeople Overall effectiveness of ombudspeople Expanding on the previous development. We don’t expect students to come up with the specifics, here, but this is an exercise to show them that we need to narrow some subtopics within each area. We are not just taking about bullying; but we need to understand what bullying is first. Then, we move to specifically discussing corporate bulling or bullying at work This is also part of conflict at work; and more specifically conflict management We need to describe what an ombudsperson is and how that role came to be Next, we need to focus on their specific role in mitigating conflict.

27 Example / Activity 4: Practice outline
U.S. firms have increasingly adopted and implemented flexible work policies that allow employees some amount of freedom in their work hours, structure or schedule, or daily routines. According to Bond, Galinsky, Kim, and Brownfield (2005)’s national survey of private sector worksites with 100+ employees, 68% of companies offered flextime, 35% allowed telework for at least some employees, 39% had compressed work week options, 53% had reduced hours options, and 46% had job-sharing programs.  Companies such as Best Buy and Yahoo have begun a recent trend in revoking workplace flexibility options, a move that many new college grads may not appreciate.  The general business problem is that, although companies Like Best Buy and Yahoo may believe that workplace flexibility is bad for the bottom line, it is an open question as to whether productivity actually increases when workers are granted more autonomy over their work schedules.  The specific business problem is that Best Buy has officially removed all flexible work options, and managers do not know how to anticipate the ramifications of this on their teams’ productivity and performance. Take another example. Here is a problem statement. Ask students to identify the main concepts that should be discussed in the literature review.

28 Example / Activity 4: Practice outline
What are some of the key concepts and ideas involved in this problem? Take a minute and write down/call out the main ideas.

29 Example / Activity 4: Practice outline
U.S. firms have increasingly adopted and implemented flexible work policies that allow employees some amount of freedom in their work hours, structure or schedule, or daily routines. According to Bond, Galinsky, Kim, and Brownfield (2005)’s national survey of private sector worksites with 100+ employees, 68% of companies offered flextime, 35% allowed telework for at least some employees, 39% had compressed work week options, 53% had reduced hours options, and 46% had job-sharing programs.  Companies such as Best Buy and Yahoo have begun a recent trend in revoking workplace flexibility options, a move that many new college grads may not appreciate.  The general business problem is that, although companies Like Best Buy and Yahoo may believe that workplace flexibility reduces productivity and performance, it is an open question as to whether productivity actually increases when workers are granted more autonomy over their work schedules.  The specific business problem is that Best Buy has officially removed all flexible work options, and managers do not know how to anticipate the ramifications of this on their teams’ productivity and performance.

30 Activity 4: Practice outline and activity
Constructs Flexible work policies Work schedules Productivity and performance Autonomy Next move is to order topics and think about getting more specific within each area.

31 Activity 5 and discussion
Locate your problem statement Identify the key concepts and constructs (or variables) Create a list/literature review outline Consider the scope: Begin with conceptual/theoretical framework Begin with broad topics End with specific topics Consider what subtopics may be needed, based on what you know

32 Activity 5 and discussion
Were you able to create a working lit review outline? Where are you stuck? More or less specificity Were you able to identify subheadings? Were you able to identify a clear flow of broad topics to specific? Not set in stone. Read, read, read.

33 Organizing ideas: Literature review matrix
Microsoft Word, Excel

34 Resources for Doctoral Capstone Students
Doctoral Capstone Resources Website This site links to all resources Walden currently offers to doctoral capstone students. Program-specific pages accessible from tabs at the top Get started (overview and introduction) Develop your skills (reading, writing, organization, and critical thinking) Write your proposal (deciding on a topic to IRB approval) Carry out your capstone (data collection to graduation) Promote your expertise (publish your work and expand your career) Presenter: Feel free (if you have time) to go over the PDF document, including the chart on the second page re: when to use which resource

35 Center for Research Quality
Additional Resources Research Resources (Research Planning & Writing) IRB Office Hours Methodology Advice Office Hours PhD checklists Center for Research Quality Ask a Librarian Disciplinary databases, Thoreau, & Google Scholar Journal articles, books, gov’t docs, theorists Verify peer-reviewed status & Library webinars Library Literature review basics (includes matrices) Paraphrasing Webinars for Doctoral Capstone Students, Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Basics Writing Center

36 Writing Center Abstract help
The Abstract A window for others into your research Second most important part, after the title Will be the last thing you write, but the first (and sometimes only) thing others will read A concise summary of your dissertation Extends the information in your title One page and only one page Must contain required content elements Must have coherence and continuity Abstract Assistance Writing Center Abstract help

37 Questions? What additional questions do you have about:
Writing Center role in the dissertation? Templates? Writing Center resources? Strategies and tools for writing Chapters 1 and 2?

38 Writing Help at the Residency and Beyond
During the residency: Advising Other Writing Center sessions After the residency: Office of Writing Instruction (prelim/prospectus): Office of Academic Editing (proposal and final study)

39 Complete the Residency Survey in the App
Find the session in the App Under Surveys click PhD Session Feedback

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