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Employment Communication

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1 Employment Communication
Chapter 14 Employment Communication

2 Case Study 14 Brad Adams is excited. Next week he will graduate from Hillsdale Community College near Kansas City, Missouri. He will be getting his associated degree in geography. While Brad is excited about graduating, he also is somewhat concerned. The economy in the area Kansas City is good, but he does not have a job yet. One of his problems is that he does not know how o go about getting a job. He wanted to start his job search five weeks ago but did not know how to begin. His friends suggested he go to the library and get a textbook with a resume to use as a pattern. Brad did what his friend suggested. He went to the library, found a book, and wrote a resume listing his qualifications for any job. Two weeks later, he mailed out the resumes along with copies of job advertisements from a local paper. No luck! No interviews and no job

3 Case Study Questions How well does Brad understand the job getting process How good was the advice of Brad’s friend? Did Brad start his job getting process soon enough? Based on his method of writing a resume, do you think Brad’s resume is well written? Why do you think Brad has not gotten any interviews?

4 Your Job Search

5 Career Goals

6 Analyze Your Qualifications
GPA 3.8 PACE Economics GPA 3.8 Harvard Economics

7 Analyze Your Qualifications

8 Analyze the Job Market

9 Internships Top tips for interns

10 Research Specific Organizations

11 Lets go back to questions 1, 2 and 3 of the case study.
How well does Brad understand the job getting process How good was the advice of Brad’s friend? Did Brad start his job getting process soon enough?

12 Resumes

13 Preparing Your Resume How to write a resume

14 Lets go back to questions 4 and 5 of the case study.
Based on his method of writing a resume, do you think Brad’s resume is well written? Why do you think Brad has not gotten any interviews?

15 Case Summary Because Brad does not understand the job getting process, he probably has severely limited his job opportunities. He does not realize that he needs to analyze himself to increase the probability of being happy in his work. He limits himself because he is restricted by not knowing where to find job openings. He does not know how to write a resume. His finding a job in which he will be satisfied is left to chance.

16 Reviewing Resumes: Case Study
Page 509 of Textbook Must be typed in Times Roman Numeral Font. Complete Sentences! Don’t start a sentence with yes, no or maybe.

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