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Portfolio Menu Don’t like what is being served up for a portfolio main course? Check out our menu of available options!

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Presentation on theme: "Portfolio Menu Don’t like what is being served up for a portfolio main course? Check out our menu of available options!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Portfolio Menu Don’t like what is being served up for a portfolio main course? Check out our menu of available options!

2 May I take your order? Webmail Ms. Murphy or Mr. Sullivan and let them know you are choosing off the menu for your portfolio. Complete the “order form” provided and submit it in the portfolio drop box with your completed alternate portfolio. If you have a video or presentation that can’t go in the drop box, webmail Ms. Murphy or Mr. Sullivan for instructions on how to turn it in. You may only complete each alternative portfolio option one time per school year. If you have questions, ask us!

3 Menu Make a video about a concept you learned in the unit. Video must be at least 3-5 minutes long, be well thought out, show a complete explanation and contain examples. Make a news cast with your math concept as a lead story, be a football coach talking to the players after the game, present some exceptional math performers with their awards on the red carpet. Let your imagination run wild! Teach a lesson. Submit your lesson plan describing how you would teach a concept from the unit to someone. Include key vocabulary, ideas you will focus on, what is important for the student to already know, and any “assignment” you are going to give. Teach the lesson to a Learning Coach, teacher, small group of students in LL or even to a whole class. If you would like to try your lesson in LL, let us know. Create a comic book. Yes, you can draw pictures, but there needs to be writing as well. Make sure your math concept is the focus and you include vocabulary from the unit. Write an original song about a concept from the unit. Include key vocabulary. ** Substitutions welcome! Do you have an idea? Submit your idea for approval to Ms. Murphy or Mr. Sullivan BEFORE you start working on it.

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