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IoT technology demonstrator

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Presentation on theme: "IoT technology demonstrator"— Presentation transcript:

1 IoT technology demonstrator
Alternate name: $1000 clone of the Bud Red Light

2 Tie Hoekstra Intro Been involved in the IT industry for over 20 years at the enterprise level Current position at Axia as IT Architect Tonight’s demo will be on an IoT application that demos some of the tech that is used in the Bud Red Light.

3 Housekeeping Ask questions or have comments during the demo. This is interactive. Don’t hold a question until the end. Washrooms location Fire Alarm event

4 What is the BRL IoT demo? Technology demonstrator Raspberry Pi AWS ECS
Mulesoft ESB Create new flow such as web and twitter social connectors Arduino Wireless PAN tech Future tech Puppet Route53 IaaS (Infrastructure as software) Docker

5 What is the BRL IoT demo? Big take away. This is learning tool for me. I’m not selling anything.

6 What is IoT? The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices. Fancy Buzzword….

7 Why AWS for IoT apps? The firewall problem Speed to deploy Scalablity
Cost Big Data Analytics Support Rich feature stack.

8 Walk through the stack Ardunio Xbee wireless connectors (PAN mode)
Raspberry Pi ESB ESB Flows AWS EC2

9 The how’s and why’s of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

10 Why have an ESB? Welcome to the New World

11 The integration challenge

12 Now adding backend processing to SaaS

13 Integration the old way = pain

14 What no magic “integrate this” button?

15 Enterprise Service bus way = less pain

16 Questions?

17 Thank You

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