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Binary Covalent Compounds

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1 Binary Covalent Compounds

2 Covalent bond atoms share electrons
Definition Covalent bond atoms share electrons Binary Covalent Compound compound made from two non-metals that share electrons Non metal Non metal Covalent compound

3 Identifying Binary Covalent Compounds
These compounds have: 2 elements (“binary”) Both non-metals (“covalent”)

4 Diatomic Elements


6 The Appendix of your book (Page A-2) has the following chart
Covalent Prefixes The Appendix of your book (Page A-2) has the following chart PREFIXES USED IN MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS mono- di- tri- tetra- penta- hexa- hepta- octa- nona- deca-

7 Naming Covalent Compounds
Look at the subscript of the first element If the subscript is an assumed one then just name the element If the subscript is greater than one then use the prefix to denote the number of atoms present then name the element Look at the subscript of the second element Use a prefix to denote the number of atoms present, then name the element with an –ide ending.

8 Example #1 P2O5

9 P2O5 Diphosphorus pentaoxide Example #1 Phosphorus Oxygen 2 = “di-”
Use “-ide” Diphosphorus pentaoxide

10 Example #2 SiO2

11 SiO2 Silicon dioxide Example #2 Silicon Oxygen
Don’t use “mono-” on first element Silicon SiO2 Oxygen 2 = “di-” Use “-ide” Silicon dioxide

12 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice CO2 N2O4 P4O10 CO Example: Write the name for the following compounds

13 Write the name for the following compounds
Let’s Practice CO2 N2O4 P4O10 CO Carbon dioxide Dinitrogen tetraoxide Tetraphosphorus decaoxide Carbon monoxide Example: Write the name for the following compounds

14 Writing Formulas for Binary Covalent
To write these formulas: Write down the symbol of the first element. After that symbol place a subscript. The subscript is determined from the prefix. Assume the first element is “1” if there is no prefix. Repeat this for the last element. Atoms do not form charges when bonding covalently…you DO NOT need to worry about balancing charges with this type! THESE ALL END IN -IDE

15 Dinitrogen Tetraoxide
Example #1 Dinitrogen Tetraoxide

16 Example #1 “Di-” = 2 N Dinitrogen Tetraoxide O “Tetra-” = 4 N2O4

17 Example #2 Silicon dioxide

18 Silicon dioxide SiO2 Example #2 Si O
“Mono-” is not written for the first element Si Silicon dioxide O “Di-” = 2 SiO2

19 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Diphosphorus pentaoxide Example: Write the following chemical formulas

20 Write the following chemical formulas
Let’s Practice Carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Diphosphorus pentaoxide CO NO2 P2O5 Example: Write the following chemical formulas

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