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Enablers' Management Institute1 Training of Bank Personnel.

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Presentation on theme: "Enablers' Management Institute1 Training of Bank Personnel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enablers' Management Institute1 Training of Bank Personnel

2 Enablers' Management Institute2 Meaning/Need of/for Training Meaning of Training Career Progression Technology Change Economic Changes Economic Policy Changes New Product/ Process Introduction

3 Enablers' Management Institute3 Types of Training Knowledge of Work and Processes Attitudinal Training Customer Focus Managerial Skills – Leadership Skills Advanced Training in Functional Area Specialized Areas - RTI

4 Enablers' Management Institute4 Learning & Development Need Identification Planning Delivery Evaluation Individual Needs Group Needs Organizational Needs Developing Annual L&D strategy Developing Annual Training Program Calendar Conducting In-Company Programs Providing E-learning Nomination to External Programs On-the-Job Development Assess Participant reactions Assess Participant Learning Assess Transfer to Work Assess Results

5 Enablers' Management Institute5 Why the different methods? INFORMATION TIME (in days) 123 100% Read 10% Hear 20% What I See 30% See and Hear 50% Say and Say to Remember 70% Say and Do 90%

6 Enablers' Management Institute6 Various Methods of Training Lecture Lecture cum discussion Discussion Games Case Study In Basket Role Play Simulation Project Sub Group Work Video Video Replay Reading / Self Study E-learning On the Job Training Under Study/ Internship Cross Functional Team Membership Community Work Out Bound Training

7 Enablers' Management Institute7 Information Technology based Training E-Learning

8 Enablers' Management Institute8 Beginnings E-learning started as Computer Based Training (CBT) Initial training packs on Software (Used to come on floppies) Problem with initial CBTs –Little or no interactivity –More of Electronic book –Boring

9 Enablers' Management Institute9 Programmed Instructions Intermediate testing. Different paths for beginner, and advanced learners. Learner controlled - fast, average and slow learners Learner can repeat at will.

10 Enablers' Management Institute10 TBT Used Videos and audio TBT – Technology Based Training –Improved interactivity –Use of Video clippings –Early Example – SITE Satellite Instructional Television Experiment –SINET by IGNOU and AIMA

11 Enablers' Management Institute11 Simulators Pilot Training Train Driver Training Process Control Training –Power Plant Operation –Chemical Plant Operations Compact Simulators Analogue to Digitized Simulators

12 Enablers' Management Institute12 What does E-learning offer today? It is available online. –Updation is instant. Available on Intranet More animation Automated Learning Management –Continuous assessment, –Learner specific features like Book marking, –integration with other HR systems E-tutoring (Ex. Educomp)

13 Enablers' Management Institute13 Problems with E-Learning

14 Enablers' Management Institute14 Where does E-Learning work best? Knowledge acquisition Product Training Process training Low cost duplication Works for masses well.

15 Enablers' Management Institute15 RBI Training Establishments Has six training establishments 1.College of Agricultural Banking, 2.Bankers Training College and 3.Reserve Bank of India Staff College These are part of the Reserve Bank 4.National Institute for Bank Management, 5.Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research (IGIDR), 6.Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) Last three are autonomous.

16 Enablers' Management Institute16 Joint India-IMF Training Programme RBI and IMF have jointly established the Joint India- IMF Training Orogramme (ITP) at NIBM, Pune. During 2011-12, 8 such training programmes on topics including AML and combating the financing of terrorism, macro-economic management and fiscal policy/financial sector issues, financial market analysis, international trade-in-services and financial soundness indicators were conducted with 47 participants from the RBI.

17 Enablers' Management Institute17 PSU Banks Many PSU Banks have their own training setups, e.g.: SBI Academy SB of Patiala Staff College PNB Training Staff College OBC Staff College

18 Enablers' Management Institute18 Private Sector Banks Private Sector Banks also focus on training of their staff, like: ICICI Bank HDFC Bank

19 Capacity Building Initiatives Not only confined to training personnel of RBI Being Central Bank of the country, RBI has also made conscious efforts towards creating institutions devoted to the systematic training of supervisory staff of various banks in India Enablers' Management Institute19

20 Capacity Building Initiatives Capacity Building for the RBI has been driven by 3 broad considerations: 1.Current Policy context in which the Banking Sector in India operates and the broad direction that the RBI would like the constituents to take 2.State of preparedness of the RBI/Banks/Financial Institutions for future developments and the efforts, individuals as well as as collective, that they have undertaken towards this 3.Efficiently dovetailing policy making, competency development and research in banking and finance in India and working out a possible action matrix. Enablers' Management Institute20

21 RBI Training Establishments Has the following training establishments: 1.College of Agricultural Banking, Pune (1969) 2.Reserve Bank of India Staff College, Chennai (1963) Besides, Reserve Bank has four ZTCs at Belapur in Navi Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi and Chennai-for Junior officers, class III, IV. Each ZTC has been allocated a focus area RBI also financially supports and facilitates specialized training Institutes like Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)-Hyderabad, NIBM-Pune, IIBM-Guwahati, the Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), Mumbai. All these institutions are engaged in research, training and consultancy for the banking and financial sectors. During 2011-12, Rs.280mn provided to IGIDR, 38mn to CAFRAL, 14mn to NIBM, 2mn to IIBM Enablers' Management Institute21

22 Foreign Trainings RBI also deputes its officers abroad to attend training courses, seminars, conferences and workshops conducted by other central banks, financial and multilateral institutions. Further, RBI deputes senior officers for advanced management and executive programmes at leading international business schools. Enablers' Management Institute22

23 External Institutions RBI also organises short courses in collaboration with reputed external institutions (including institutions that it fully or partially funds) in the areas of banking, finance, soft skills, human resources, etc. for a limited number of staff every year. Enablers' Management Institute23

24 Other Schemes To encourage and facilitate self learning for its staff, Bank has introduced many schemes: 1.Commercial Bank Training (CBT) for select officers up to Grade C 2.Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme 3.Incentives for acquiring higher professional qualifications like Ph.D./FCA/M.Phil/MBA 4.Study leave and a scheme for a sabbatical of one year for senior officers Enablers' Management Institute24

25 Other Schemes The offices of the Bank also have study circles with lectures on both functional and behavioural themes. Through its monthly thematic video- conferences on important and emerging issues that are anchored by members of the leadership team, RBI encourages its staff to participate in the discussions. Enablers' Management Institute25

26 Thank you Thank you all Best of luck to all For more details and data, please refer Annual Report-Page No.140 to 146 Enablers' Management Institute26

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