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Slavery Divides the Nation

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1 Slavery Divides the Nation
John M. Sacher University of Central Florida

2 Abraham Lincoln “The word ‘slavery’ was hid away in the Constitution just as an afflicted man hides away a cancer which he dares not cut out at once, lest he bleed to death.”

3 Hid Away in the Constitution
3/5 compromise—slaves count as 3/5 of a white man for the purpose of representation in the House Art I, Sec. 2 adds whole number of free persons including indentured servants plus “three fifths of all other persons” Indians excluded Return of escaped slaves, Art IV, Sec. 2, “No person held to service or labour in one state” International slave trade, Congress could eliminate but not before 1808 Art I, Sec. 9 “The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit . . .”

4 How the 3/5ths Compromise Worked
Suppose…congressional seats were assigned for every 50,000 people And, suppose a state had 500,000 whites and 500,000 slaves It would have 10 representatives based on white population. Based on the 3/5 compromise, it would have 16 reps—Because it would be weighted as if it had 800,000 people (500,000+.6*500,000) FYI: Slaves did not vote. Individual white southerners did not get extra votes. Instead, they had extra congressmen (i.e. smaller districts)

5 Missouri Compromise

6 American Colonization Society

7 David Walker’s Appeal (1829)

8 Abolitionism

9 Free Soil Politics

10 “Slave Power” Conspiracy

11 United States Expansion

12 Compromise of 1850

13 Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)

14 Voting in Kansas, 1855 Eligible Voters approx. 3,000 Free Soil Votes
791 Proslavery Votes ??? ??? Judged fraudulent

15 Sumner Brooks Affair, 1856

16 Chief Justice Roger Taney
Dred Scott, Slave

17 Abraham Lincoln, 1858 “. . . when we see a lot of framed timbers, different portions of which we know have been gotten out at different times and places, and by different workmen -- Stephen, Franklin, Roger, and James, for instance; and when we see these timbers joined together, and see they exactly make the frame of a house or a mill and not a piece too many or too few, -- not omitting even the scaffolding, -- or if a single piece be lacking, we see the place in the frame exactly fitted and prepared to yet bring such piece in -- in such a case we feel it impossible not to believe that Stephen and Franklin, and Roger and James, all understood one another from the beginning and all worked upon a common plan or draft drawn before the first blow was struck.”

18 Fire Eaters

19 John Brown

20 The Presidential Election of 1860


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