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R.E. Mega -quiz!.

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1 R.E. Mega -quiz!

2 Round 1 The existence of God

3 Round 1 The existence of God Q. 1 Which is the odd one out?
a) Religious experience b) Design c) Insanity Q. 2 The argument for God being the ‘First Cause’ that set everything off and caused the universe to be created is called the: a) Cosmological argument b) Design argument c) Religious experience argument

4 Q. 3 The argument from religious experience involves such experiences as:
a) Visions and miracles b) Our fingerprints are all unique c) The domino effect Q.4 Who said, “If a watch, that is so complex must have had a designer, the world must have had an intelligent designer because it is even more complex”. a) Thomas Aquinas b) William Paley c) Isaac Newton

5 Q. 5 Scientists who do not believe in God think that the world started with:
a) Adam and Eve b) Spacemen came and created the earth c) The Big Bang theory Q.6 Evolution is: a) The theory that all life evolved from simple creatures b) Something ‘evil’ c) When a wheel goes round one full turn

6 Q. 7 The design theory for the existence of God cannot be true
because: (Choose the odd one out) a) Natural can be so cruel, how do you explain earthquakes if the world is so perfect? b) If the world is so wonderfully made, why did my Nan die so young? c) The world is so well designed it must have had an intelligent designer. Q. 8 The big problem with religious experience is that: a) You cannot prove they are true b) Some people are jealous they don’t have them c) They only happen in church

7 If this is her belief, what does it make her?
There doesn't need to be a God for me.

8 If he believes this, what would he say?
Technically, I'm an agnostic, but I definitely believe in hell Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons

9 He went through a conversion, what does this mean?
You need to have the expertise and the guidance of someone else. You cannot train yourself,” he said. “I feel the same way about Christianity and about what the church is: The church is the gym of the soul.”

10 Round 2 picture round C B A Match these keywords to the people below:
Theist Atheist Agnostic C There are too many questions – God’s existence cannot be proved B A I have trusted in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour for many years There is no way you can convince me that there is a God!

11 Look carefully at these pictures and say which argument for the existence of God they belong with:
Religious experience Design Cosmological a b c f e d

12 Round 3 The nature of God

13 Round 3 The nature of God Q.1 When we think of God as personal it means we think of him as: a) As a friend or a father – someone we can relate to. b) A spirit that is difficult to relate to c) Someone who is active in the world, there for us Q.2 When we think of God as transcendent it means he is: a) A spirit that is difficult to relate to b) As someone who is active in the world c) Someone who is separate from the world and not involved with his creation

14 Q.3 When we think of God as immanent, it means he is:
a) Someone who is separate from the world and not involved with his creation b) As someone who is active in the world c) As a friend or a father – someone we can relate to. Q.4 When we think of God as impersonal, we think of him as being: a) Someone who is active in the world b) A spirit that is difficult to relate to c) Someone who is separate from the world and not involved with his creation

15 Q. 5 Christians believe that God is three in one
Q. 5 Christians believe that God is three in one. The word to describe this is: a) Trinity b) Triplets c) Tripod Q.6 The three in one that Christians believe in are: a) Father, Mother, Son b) Father, Uncle, Son c) Father, Son, Holy Spirit

16 Q. 7 If God reveals himself directly to an individual, this is called:
a) General Revelation b) Special Revelation Q. 8 If God reveals himself indirectly to people, this is called: Q. 9 The story of Paul on the road to Damascus is an example of:

17 Q.10 Moral evil is: a) Where people cause hurt or distress to others b) Where the devil is roaming the earth hurting people c) Things that people have no control over. Q.11 Natural evil is: a) Where the devil is roaming the earth hurting people b) Natural disasters that no-one can control c) People hurting one another Q.12 Why do Christians need to defend God? a) To prove He exists b) To hang onto their faith c) He can’t defend himself

18 Round 4 Morality Are these statements examples of absolute or relative morality? 3 1 2 “Murder is always wrong” “It is ok to kill animals if it is for food” “You should never work on the Sabbath day” 5 6 4 “Lies are alright if they are white ones” “Stealing the odd pen from the office doesn’t hurt anyone” “It is always wrong to steal”

19 Life should be ---------
Fill in the gaps: Q Of Life a Only God can when life ends Life is b Life is God ----- All life deserves e Life should be c d

20 Round 5 Abortion

21 Round 5 Abortion Q.1 Abortion became legal in Britain in: a) 1987
Q. 2 Abortion is legal up to how many weeks? a) 22 b) 23 c) 24

22 Q.3 Catholics believe abortion is murder because:
a) The believe it is a person when it is born b)They believe it is a person at 24 weeks c) They believe it is a person at conception Q.4 Muslims believe that: a) A foetus receives its soul at 120 days b) A foetus receives its soul at birth c) A foetus receives its soul straight away at conception

23 Q. 5 Muslims are what kind of moralists?
a) Absolute moralists b) Relative moralists c) Both relative and absolute moralists Q. 6 Protestants views on abortion tend to be that: a) It should never, ever happen b) It can be the less of two evils c) You can have an abortion whenever you want for any reason

24 What do they have in common?

25 Round 6 Sex, marriage and divorce

26 Sex, marriage and divorce
Round 6 Sex, marriage and divorce Q.1 Not having sexual relations at all is called: a) Celibacy b) Adultery c) Chastity Q.2. Keeping yourself sexually pure until marriage is called: Q.3 Having sex with someone else’s husband or wife is called:

27 Q. 4 The religious tradition that believes that sex is not allowed before marriage is:
a) Islam b) Christianity c) All religions Q. 5 Catholics believe in artificial forms of contraception. Is this true or false? Q. 6 Protestants can take any form of contraception because they are taught to be responsible and only have as many children as they can afford to care for. Is this true or false?

28 Q. 7 Which is the odd one out? Religious people marry:
a) To have children b) For money c) To continue their faith Q. 8 Which religion is the only one where the bride and groom make vows to one another? a) Islam b) Sikhism c) Christianity

29 Q. 9 The legal dissolution of a marriage is called:
a) An Annulment b) A Wedding c) A Divorce Q. 10 Which religious tradition does not recognise divorce at all: a) The Church of England b) Islam c) The Catholic Church

30 Round 7 What do all the following celebrities have in common?


32 Round 8 Prejudice and discrimination

33 Prejudice and discrimination
Round 8 Prejudice and discrimination Q. 1 Which statement is the right one? a) Prejudice is an attitude that can lead to discrimination b) Prejudice is called by discrimination Q. 2 How many different forms of prejudice can you think of? Q. 3 Justice means: a) Everyone is entitled to the same rights and treatment b) Everyone is as important and valuable as each other c) We are one community and should act as such

34 Q. 4 Give the name of one person who has worked against racism.
Q. 5 Sexism is: a) Prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their sexuality b) Prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their sex c) Prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their religion

35 What are they supporting?

36 Round 9 World Poverty

37 What do they have in common?

38 Why do they all support this cause?

39 Why would a Christian support this?

40 How do they help the poor?

41 So How Did You Do?

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