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Maria Aguirre, Ph.D. Milagros Bravo, Ph.D. AlACiMa

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1 Maria Aguirre, Ph.D. Milagros Bravo, Ph.D. AlACiMa
The Use of Future Teaching Portfolios to promote learning with understanding Maria Aguirre, Ph.D. Milagros Bravo, Ph.D. AlACiMa

2 Puerto Rico Math and Science Partnership (AlACiMa)
Collaboration among four higher education institutions: University Of Puerto Rico at: Cayey Humacao Río Piedras Mayaguez

3 Guiding Question How can the process of developing portfolios evidence the quality of future teachers’ performance while enhancing mutual responsibilities and shared meanings of excellence among diverse institutions?

4 PR-CETP Goals Transform science and math teacher preparation curricula to assure that future teachers: develop depth of conceptual understanding in the fields they will teach. fully incorporate an inquiry-based, problem-solving approach to teaching master authentic assessment and are effective in applying it to their educational practice. are prepared to promote the integration of knowledge between and within disciplines. are literate in educational technology and its effective use in teaching science and mathematics

5 PR-CETP Portfolio Model
Philosophy of teaching Two lessons that illustrate: Planning: 3-5 plans per lesson Teaching/Learning: at least four different strategies Assessment: at least four different strategies Reflective essay: based on lessons taught Professional development (value added) Assessment of portfolio (by teacher, peer and self)

6 Planning Evidence Outlines or graphic organizers to demonstrate his/her understanding of the content to be taught, showing connections among concepts, skills, processes and other important ideas embedded in the selected content standards students should develop through the lesson. Different techniques, based on a constructivist approach, that promote active learning (e.g., cooperative learning, inquiry, discussions, interactive demonstrations, games, hands-on-minds-on activities, laboratory and field trip experiences) .

7 Teaching/Learning Evidence
Describes or documents the way constructivist teaching techniques have been used by presenting, for example: Photos, instructions for individual or group task, steps to develop an interactive demo, guides to develop a specific field trip experience or lab, and guides for students to do analysis of videos, readings, among others. Includes examples of students’ task responses to show the conceptual understanding students were developing during the lesson.

8 Teaching/Learning Evidence
Explains how the lesson promotes the integration of different areas of the discipline and its integration with other content disciplines. Evidences the use of technology to improve students’ learning process. Provides for the development of research skills.

9 Assessment Evidence Illustrate the alternative modes of assessment used to monitor students’ learning process, for example: portfolios, open-ended questions, graphic organizers, comic strips and graphic poems requiring higher level thinking skills, reflective journals, and performance tests. Indicates how the results of the assessment have been used to improve students’ learning.

10 Assessment Evidence Includes examples of students’ work that has been scored using rubrics; rubric used shows well-defined criteria including important content and skills congruent with the teaching objectives. Shows the use of technology as a tool to enrich the assessment and evaluation processes.

11 Process for Developing Guidelines and Rubric
Development of first draft Revision by colleagues Revision by teacher practicum coordinators and supervisors from the seven collaborative institutions Pilot study with students from all institutions Assessment of portfolios with the participation of professors from all institutions as coders Fine tuning of guidelines and rubric

12 Process for Usage of Portfolios
Orientation session with future teachers in practicum and their supervisors Formative assessment of portfolio using rubric by peer and group discussion of findings Activity for presenting and handing out portfolios Collaborative assessment of portfolios

13 Experience in Portfolio Development
What evidence included in your portfolio enabled you to best show excellence in teaching and assessment?

14 Experience in Portfolio Development
What evidence included in your portfolio enabled you to best show your conceptual understanding of the subject you were teaching?

15 Experience in Portfolio Development
How does the experience of developing your portfolio contribute to modify your conception or ideals of excellence in teaching?

16 Experience in Portfolio Development
How do the criteria included in the portfolio’s rubric help you to self-assess your path towards attaining excellence in teaching?

17 Experience in Portfolio Development
How has the experience of sharing your portfolio with peers promoted a shared meaning of excellence in teaching among future teachers from diverse institutions?

18 Experience in Portfolio Development
How has the peer assessment of portfolios with future teachers from other institutions helped you to enhance awareness that there are different ways of attaining the same standard of excellence?

19 Conclusions Shared meanings of excellence can be developed through inter and intra institutional collaborations. Developing portfolios in a collaborative way can promote mutual responsibilities for the achievement of excellence in teacher preparation. Portfolios are a valuable tool to document conceptual understanding and teaching practices.

20 Conclusions Shared standards of excellence can be converted into criteria to rate a variety of evidences presented by future teachers from diverse institutions. Shared standards of excellence, attained through the process of the PR-CETP portfolio model, are a valuable tool to guide curricular transformations in TP programs.

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